
Crutch of the Inarticulate 

My writing, ponderings, favorite quotes, book lists, and other drivel

Page Name

Someone in my revising class told us the following quote, please forgive the profanity.


Student: I read somewhere,"Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate"

Writing Instructor: F**k yes! 


Naturally we all agreed with both  sentiments, and came up with all sorts of other "crutches of the inarticulate"  (like adverbs...only weaklings use "quickly"!). If  I figure out what this has to do with the content of this page, I'll let you know.


This is where I will post poems and stories and random things I come up with. 

I attempted to do National Poetry Writing Month, so those all appear under "Poetry". 

And while I waned on poetry, I will succeed on NaNoWriMo! More info on that on my prose page. 

Some more private or important texts will only be visible by direct link, other random stories will be shared with all.


Random thoughts that come to my mind, about anything. Feel free to use the most nonsensical as writing prompts. 



I like quotes. I like to collect quotes. I like to gather them all and force you to read quotes. Enjoy.



  I like to read. If you don't like to read, you will by the time I'm through with you. I like recommending authors I like, both famous and obscure. 

 Language Books 

Other Books 


The stuff the internet is made of, and I specialize in it.