

Hey guys! I'm Victoria Do, a senior and your Science Olympiad President this year! SciOly is my favorite extracurricular, and I'm positive we'll have a successful year together. Random facts about me: I love RPG video games, and Tetris! I have an obsession with the color red (specifically dark red, hex code #731010), dragons, hearts, and jesters. I'll work hard to make sure everyone has a great time in our club, so don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need something. Let's have a good competition this year, and I look forward to having fun with you all!

Vice President

Hi y'all! My name is Adithi Arun and I'll be this year's Vice President. I look forward to all the adventures we'll have together and all the competitions we'll win! (obviously) On a side note, I love drawing, painting, sculpting, and meddling with many other artistic mediums. I also pride myself in religiously maintaining my plants, (my tomatoes finally germinated!) and naming each one.  Other than that, naptime is my go-to. Anyway, I'm excited to see all the new faces that join us next year, and I hope we get to nationals (please)! Feel free to dm me with any questions. 


Hey guys~ I'm Ne-Osahanoze Osayande, but y'all can call me Nono, and I will be this year's Secretary. Like Victoria, SciOly is my favorite extracurricular as it has allowed me to make new close friends and find subjects I am passionate about and I hope it does the same for you. I love cooking, eating new foods, crocheting, reading, learning new things, gardening, and especially sleeping (if you need any tips on gardening, I'm always happy and available to provide some). I'm hopeful next year will be great! Feel free to ask me any Chemistry questions and, if you have any extra plant seeds, I'll be happy to take them :3

Build Captain 

What's up everyone! My name is Thomas DeBord and I'm gonna be your Build Captain for the 2024-2025 school year. I'll make sure to do my best when guiding new build members and planning out our timeline for the build events. I know it's gonna be a great year for the club, and everyone will work hard and win lots of medals. If there's anything you need with builds, you can ask me.


Hey everyone! My name is Tanush Vatnani and I am going to be this year's Historian. I look forward to this year because we are gonna win everything and I'll be there to take pictures of it. I am going to make sure to work hard so we can perform at our best. This year, our club is going to be great and we will definitely go to nationals! I am excited for this 2024-25 year with Science Olympiad.


Hi everyone! My name is Gavin Zheng, and I'm going to be your treasurer for the 2024-2025 school year. I'm currently a junior and this will be my third year in Science Olympiad. As a treasurer, I will make sure I do my utmost to keep the club from going broke. This year, I'm sure we'll win lots of medals and have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.