Banjo Repair Prices

* These prices are a good guide to repair costs but instruments must be seen before estimates can be made. *

Banjos are very rewarding to set up. They are mechanical in construction and lend themselves

well to fine adjustments.

The head, tailpiece, bridge and coordinator rods can all be easily adjusted to make more and better sound.


- adjust truss rod, adjust coordinator rods, adjust string

heights at nut & bridge, clean fingerboard, adjust tuners

$ 135.00

$ 95.00

$ 85.00

$ 65.00

$ 175.00

$ 425.00

$ 495.00

$ 15.00/fret plus $50.00

$ 20.00

$ 45.00

$ 15.00

$ 140.00

$ 120.00

$ 225.00

$ 65.00

$ 195.00


- New bone nut


- Install new factory bridge, adjust string slots


- Remove & replace, labour only


- Dress frets - level, crown & polish existing frets

Re-fret Unbound Fingerboard

- Remove old frets, re-surface fingerboard, prepare fret

slots, install frets, level, crown & polish. Plus set-up

Re-fret Bound Fingerboard

- Remove old frets, re-surface fingerboard, prepare fret

slots, install frets, level, crown & polish. Plus set-up

- Partial re-fret


- Truss rod adjustment

- Co-ordinator rod adjustment

- 5th string spikes, each

- 'Speed neck' - Remove lacquer or varnish from back of

neck, smooth & apply oil finish


- Replace plastic head; labour only

- Replace skin head; labour only

Clean & Polish

- Wooden parts only

- Whole banjo

Crescent Beach Guitar - 'helping you get the most out of your instrument'

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