A message from SIG Chair Brian L. Wright

Welcome to The Critical Perspectives in Early Childhood Education (CPECE) SIG's website. I am thrilled that you are or have decided to become part of our intellectually vibrant, critically conscious, social justice-minded, and equity-driven community. One of the first things you will discover is our deep commitment to understanding, disrupting, and dismantling racism, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, and more to transform schools and society. Children, their families, and communities are central to the above aims of our work.


At a time of much social and political unrest, our SIG aims to remain true to its purpose, "to foster research on and critical analyses of issues in early childhood education and childhood studies and to encourage the development of alternative perspectives and curriculum in early childhood education." Considering these things, our SIG addresses matters and issues of identity, equity, power, policy, and justice in educational contexts, including schools and communities.


As you explore the website to learn more about our SIG, specifically its Leadership Team/Officers, Membership and Bylaws, Awards, and Mentoring Circle, I hope the resources herein offer essential information to inform, guide, and shape your ongoing academic and professional development.


As alluded to earlier, please encourage your early childhood education and child development colleagues and those in related fields/disciplines interested in joining a diverse community of scholars to become active members of our SIG. Our members bring various disciplinary perspectives, research interests, theoretical stances, and professional experiences to the study of and engagement with children, families, and communities in diverse contexts.

Lastly, as you explore the CPECE-SIG's website, consider becoming a reviewer of proposals, submitting a proposal, attending sessions and roundtables, and our business meeting and reception during AERA's Annual Meeting. Again, welcome to our website!


Toward Justice,

Brian L. Wright, CPECE-SIG Chair

The purpose of this SIG is to foster research on and critical analyses of issues in early childhood education and childhood studies and to encourage the development of alternative perspectives and curriculum in early childhood education

The CPECE SIG became official in 1998, having struggled to find openings in the dialogue for reconceptualist and marginalized educational researchers and practitioners in the AERA context. The SIG is robust and energized in its membership, forging ahead and disrupting the status quo in early childhood, teacher education, and our field's research and praxis.