Meriden - Memorial Service

Ride: Meriden Memorial Service

Destination – 'The Queens Head' pub

Distance Easy - 10 miles. Memorial service starts 11:00 ends 12:00

Light refreshments available at village hall. Cycle Jumble also.

Queens Head is approximately opposite village hall


L out of Vista

3rd exit at rdbt, continue to 2nd lights X roads

L. in ¼ mile 2nd exit off rdbt into Broad lane.

Across 3 sets of lights past ‘Pheonix pub on left.

R into Mount Nod. Fast downhill care to T junction

L and immediate (10yards) right, continue to T Junction at Poachers retreat pub

R. 1 m to TJ - L

2 mile str on to Green at Meriden


R out of pub (L from village Hall)

1st left (by duck pond)

1 mile L at four Oaks X cross roads

1 mile L at TJ into Broad Lane

2 miles including 3 sets lights and str on at rdbt, R at Hearsall Common lights.

Str on to Rdbt 2nd exit and in 150 yards on right

Home of Vista


Str on = Straight on; L = Left; R = Right; rdbt = roundabout; cont. = continue

X roads = Cross Roads; Imm = Immediately

Club mobile phone = 07765 244 169

Arlidge Jan 2002