Course Link

Click here to continue to the Assignments area

In my course, this actually links to the assignments area.

Feel free to use this image in your course if you like it.

BONUS - Adaptive Release

I use the Blackboard Adaptive Release feature to keep students from accessing the weekly unit content until they have received a perfect score on the Check-In Test.

If you have never worked with adaptive release before, here are two resources for learning more about Adaptive Release:

I organize my content into weekly folders, so I apply the Adaptive Release rule to the entire folder.

I use a grade criteria, set the Grade Center Colums to Check-In test, choose Score as the condition and Greater than or equal to 10 (total possible points for the Check-In test):

Adaptive Release Criteria screenshot

After the rule is created you can add additional rules. For example you could add another grade rule, but set the condition to User has at least one attempt for this item and choose the Check-In post. I only have the one rule applied, so it looks kind of lonely in the Rule box.

Adaptive Release screenshot

Once you have finished setting up your rules, you will easily know which items you have enabled Adaptive Release on because a not is added to the item. Students do not see this.

Adaptive Release Enabled on Weekly Unit Folder