
Course of Physics I - Mechanics of particles and bodies, Mechanics of fluids, Waves

This physics course is oriented to students of Chemistry. It will discuss equilibrium and motion of particles, motion in one and three dimensions, Newton’s laws, work and energy principles, conservative and non-conservative forces, conservation of energy, linear momentum, collisions, rotational dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies, law of gravitation, statics and dynamics of fluids, oscillations and waves phenomena, sound, diffraction, interference.

Physics 1 course 

List of main topics

Ch. 1 - Introduction to physics, measurements and vectors.

Ch. 2 - Kinematics of the material point.

Ch. 3 - Forces, Newton's laws and its applications.

Ch. 4 - Systems of particles.

Ch. 5 - Work and mechanical energy. 

Ch. 6 - Momentum and collisions between bodies.

Ch. 7 - Kinematics and dynamics of rotational motions.

Ch. 8 - Fluid mechanics.

Ch. 9 - Oscillations and waves.

Recommended teaching resources: 

Tipler - Mosca: Physics Course, 1 - Mechanics Waves Thermodynamics. Zanichelli ed.

Resnick - Halliday - Krane: PHYSICS 1. Ambrosian House ed.

Lecturer's Handouts*

*Handouts will be downloadable from Unistudium platform.

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