About Me


Francesco Cottone, Ph.D

Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Geology

University of Perugia

Via Pascoli, I-06123, Perugia, Italy


I gained my master degree in Physics at University of Camerino (Italy) in 2002.  My specialist subjects covered low temperature physics, quantum hall Effect, 2D electron gas systems, nonlinear dynamics, energy harvesting. 


After having worked for a company. I obtained my PhD degree in Physics in 2008 at University of Perugia (Italy), working on nonlinear piezoelectric generators for vibration energy harvesting with NiPS laboratory group supervised by Prof. Luca Gammaitoni. 

In the following, I took up a post-doc job as researcher at the Stokes Institute, University of Limerick (Ireland), from 2008 to 2009, to work on novel energy harvesting systems under the supervision of prof. Jeff Punch. 

In november 2009 I went back to Italy for teaching Mathematics and Physics at upper secondary schools for one year. 

In September 2010, I restarted my research activity under the european FP7 NanoPower project at University of Perugia with prof. Gammaitoni working on energy harvesting technology. 

In 2011 I awarded a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship to develop my project titled "Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Solutions for Micro- and Nano-Technologies" at ESIEE Paris, Université de Paris-Est, (France) for two years with prof. Philippe Basset of ESYCOM group.

In June 2013 I went back to Italy to re-join the NiPS group as researcher and assistant professor in Physics at the department of Physics at University of Perugia.

Since 2021, I am associate professor at department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia, Italy


My scientific background include: energy harvesting, nonlinear physics, micro- and nano-technology for renewable energy applications, piezoelectric materials.