edit svg outline

free cnc foam shapes paths

Download a beautiful font first! For example:


Install it!

Open Paint and select this font:

Arrange and edit the text :

Set size to 200 and write a text:

open http://costycnc.it/potrace1/ and download image

Save as svg...

And change text at the end of notepad file with :

stroke="black" stroke-width="40" stroke-linecap="round" fill="white"

Open svg file with notepad:

The "stroke-with" can be increase or decrease what you want!

The "stroke" also can be change the color!"

The result is:

Verify svg file ... open it ...

open http://costycnc.it/svg_nc

se vuoi fare png https://sites.google.com/site/costycnc/svg_to_png

solo deve rename to test.svg