Sunday Night Reading (optional)

1. Am I doing an inventory each night, or only when I can call into this meeting?

2. Do I have a regular and consistent day that I attend this meeting? Do I attend at least twice a week? If not, why not?

3. Do I focus on corrective measures and make sure I follow through? Or, do I primarily focus just on problems?

4. Do I make sure to help newcomers understand the tenth step, and the steps in general, so that they can be helped as much as I have been?

5. When I share what came up today, do I skip over things that might be important to expose? Do I hope to be enabled, or figure out ways to "dupe" the people I share with? Am I overly comfortable?

6. Have I avoided reaching out to others in the fellowship outside of this meeting, especially people I don't know well?

7. Do I sometimes share about my fears or resentments as a way to “be right” about people, or sway people toward my opinion on a specific issue?

8. More positively, have I seen benefits from doing my nightly inventory? What are some of the best things about it, and what are some things I could work on and improve?