

European Social and Research Council (ESRC) / UKRI COVID-19 rapid response, "Industry-level origins of fluctuations in growth rates and economic welfare", Harjoat Bhamra (PI), Corrado Macchiarelli (Co-I), Kemar Whyte (Res), Patricia Sánchez Juanino (Res)


European Commission (DG-ECFIN), "Sovereign debt sustainability in Greece during the economic adjustment programmes: 2010-2018", joint with CEPS – Centre for European Policy Studies.  NIESR team: Garry Young (Management), Corrado Macchiarelli (Co-I), Cyril Leonel (Co-I); CEPS team: Daniel Gros (Management) and Cinzia Alcidi (PI), Angela Capolongo (Co-I) 


European Commission (DG-EMPL), "Social Situation Monitor", Bob Hancké (LSE, Management), Vassilis Monastiriotis (LSE, PI), Corrado Macchiarelli (Brunel and LSE, PI), Nikolitsa Lampropoulou (LSE, Res)


European Parliament (ECON), "Monetary Policy Dialogue", LSE resident team: Paul De Grauwe (LSE, PI), Jon Danielson (LSE, PI), Corrado Macchiarelli (Brunel and LSE, PI), Yuemei Ji (UCL and LSE, PI), Non-LSE residents: Carlo Favero (Bocconi, PI), Paolo Manasse (Bologna, PI), Nauro Campos (Brunel, PI); Framework contract IP/A/ECONMD/FWC/2014-026


European Commission, “Financial Distortions and Macroeconomics Performance: Expectations, Constraints, and Interaction of Agents” (FP7 FinMap), took part to pre-work during the first year of the project, Thomas Lux (PI) (on the LSE side: P. De Grauwe (Management), Corrado Macchiarelli (Co-I); Framework contract FP7-SSH-2013-2)


European Parliament (DG-REGIO), “European economic governance and cohesion policy”, on the LSE side: I.  Begg (PI), Corrado Macchiarelli (Co-I); Framework contract IP/B/REG1/1C/2013-086


European Commission’s representation in the UK, Seminar series: “Towards a Genuine EMU”, Paul De Grauwe (Co-I), Corrado Macchiarelli (Co-I), Vassilis Monastiriotis (Co-I), and W. Schelkle (PI); Framework contract DG COMM/LON/2013/04