2012 US Champs Results

The 2012 Corn Maze Champs are history! Ian Smith decided to show up and crush the competition, winning both the Classic and the Sprint. Ali Crocker was the leading woman in both races.

Benevolent Dictator for Life of CMOUSA, Peter Gagarin, summarized the event, "Some very tough orienteering, but no injuries, and no one had to call 911. We squeezed in all three events in under two hours. Mike and Will, the maze creators, seemed very impressed. And my sense was people had a lot of fun.

And the organization was just what it needed to be -- close to disaster at all times but never over the edge. :-)

A fine evening in other words."

Classic map

Sprint map

Relay map (this is leg 2 -- leg 1 had controls 1-5)

All results/splits are available here on Attackpoint