2016 Corn Maze Champs

Post date: Sep 2, 2016 9:08:12 AM

The 2016 Corn Maze Championships will once again take place at Mike's Maze in Sunderland, MA and are scheduled for September 3rd.

The courses are all figured out, barring any "Canadian" changes. While there is quite a collection of wild animals in the maze (see about the 2-minute mark of the video), the authorities are still OK with us going in there. Bear spray is optional, not required.

Map -- more or less 1:1,000. No contours. The animals and other man-made objects in the maze are not mapped, just the corn. The map complies with ISCMOM.

Course information:

Note that teams of any size are fine at all events, but going solo is always permitted (except for the Party).

1. Classic. 17 controls. Distance (optimum route) is about 2 km. Expected winning time: 10-12 minutes.

2. Sprint Shuffle. 12 controls. Distance unknown but less than the classic, maybe 1 km? The first control must be taken first, the last one last. For the rest you can go in any order.

3. Trail. 4 controls, all marked by balloons, mark the location on your map. All are at dead ends. Just one class (to save the high-tech folks from embarrassment). Bring whatever gadgets you want.

4. Party.

5. Night. 29 controls. Handicap -- you may skip anywhere from 1 to 10 controls, depending on how good you are (or, one could say, how bad you are).

All the above subject to change, of course. Though the one thing not subject to change is the one rule of corn-maze O' -- no cutting through the corn.

More information at the Attackpoint page for the event.