Policy papers

Recent policy papers:

Are employers optimizing their 401(k) match?  (with Guillermo Carranza, Taha Choukhmane, Fiona Greig, Anna Madamba, and Lawrence Schmidt)

The evolution of U.S. Firms’ Retirement Plan Offerings: Evidence from a New Panel Data Set (with Antoine Arnoud, Taha Choukhmane, Jorge Colmenares and Aneesha Parvathaneni)

Employment Effects of Unemployment Insurance Generosity During the Pandemic (with Joseph Altonji, Zara Contractor, Lucas Finamor, Ryan Haygood, Ilse Lindenlaub, Costas Meghir, Dana Scott, Liana Wang, and Ebonya Washington)

Policy Papers from work at the Institute for Fiscal Studies 2007-2017:

My policy work from working at the Institute for Fiscal Studies between between 2007 and 2017 can be grouped into three areas: 

i) Household wealth, saving and pension policy,

ii) Taxes, benefits and the distributional impact of spending on public services,

iii) Living standards.

Selected reports are linked below,  shorter pieces (including blog posts and press releases) are listed on my IFS web-page.

Household wealth, saving and pension policy

The evolution of wealth in Great Britain: 2006-08 to 2010-12. IFS Report R109. November 2015. (with Rowena Crawford and Dave Innes)

Retirement sorted? The adequacy and optimality of wealth among the near retired. September 2014. (with Rowena Crawford)

Auto-enrolment into pensions: an option for Ireland?, March 2014

The adequacy of wealth among those approaching retirement, October 2012, (with Rowena Crawford)

The wealth and saving of UK families on the eve of the crisis, July 2010, (with Thomas F. Crossley)

Taxes, benefits and the distributional impact of spending on public services

Financial Incentives to Work, Comparing Ireland and the UK, July 2016, (with Tim Callan, Barra Roantree and Michael Savage)

Can we measure who loses most from public service spending cuts?, June 2014, (with Ian Preston)

Measuring the distributional impact of public service cuts, February 2011, (with Ian Preston)

Living standards

The expenditure experience of older households, August 2009, (with Andrew Leicester and Zoë Oldfield)

The living standards of families with children reporting low incomes, May 2009, (with Mike Brewer, Luke Sibieta and Gillian Paul)

 The Inflation experience of older households , October 2008, (with Andrew Leicester and Zoë Oldfield)