League Cadets

Sponsored by the Navy League of the United States, the Navy League Cadet Corps is designed to introduce children from the ages of 11-14 to life in the military.  Navy League Cadets, like their Sea Cadet counterparts, receive training in various naval skills from knot tying to semaphore (communicating with flags), basic seamanship and other aspects critical to naval operations.  League Cadets are required to attend a basic training camp in the summer before they can take part in advanced training.  During these camps, Cadets are taught basic military skills such as marching, how to make a bunk, military heritage, physical training and more. 


At Coral Sea Division, League Cadets meet twice a month on the first and third Sunday of every month from 9:00am (0900) until 3:00pm (1500).  During this time they receive both hands on and classroom instruction on military etiquette, customs and courtesies, military heritage and other aspects pertaining to the sea services.  In addition to classroom instruction, Cadets also are required to partake in physical training or "PT" and military drill.  Coral Sea Division also routinely attends other events such as tours of bases and ships, marching in parades and helping out at community events.

Coral Sea Division has established two primary goals for the League Cadets.  First, to instill in the Cadets a sense of pride and self-confidence.  These are fundamental qualities that will not only aid them in the Sea Cadet Corps should they choose to continue with the program, but in life as well.  The second goal is to recruit enough young people to allow the League Cadets to form their own unit, known as a "Training Ship".  By forming their own Training Ship, League Cadets will get the opportunity to develop additional skills in leadership and begin to understand the concept of time management.

Are you interested in becoming a cadet with Coral Sea Division?  If so please contact coralsearecruiter@gmail.com and fill out an application below!


Visit the national website for more information about Navy League Cadets.