Sea Cadets

Tailored to American youth ages 13-17, this program provides those with a desire to learn about the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine the ability to achieve that goal. Sea Cadets are authorized by the Secretary of the Navy to wear Navy uniforms and train alongside military personnel aboard military ships and installations. The objectives of the Sea Cadet program are to introduce youth to naval life, to develop in them a sense of pride, patriotism, courage, and self-reliance, and to maintain an environment free of drugs and gangs. 


Sea Cadets with Coral Sea Division meet twice a month on the first and third Sunday of every month from 9:00am (0900) until 3:00pm (1500).  During this time they receive both hands on and classroom instruction on military etiquette, customs and courtesies, military heritage and other aspects pertaining to the sea services.  In addition to classroom instruction, Cadets also are required to partake in physical training or "PT" and military drill.  Coral Sea Division also routinely attends other events such as tours of bases and ships, marching in parades and helping out at community events.


Today, Sea Cadets have more opportunities than ever before to experience military life without actually being in the military!  Once enrolled, Cadets are required to attend a basic training camp, held during the summer and winter outside of normal school schedules.  Upon successful completion of "boot camp" Cadets are allowed to partake in advanced trainings such as medical training, aviation training, law enforcement training, SEAL operator training, leadership training and numerous other aspects related to life in the military.  Cadets who have excelled in both school and the Sea Cadet program are eligible to participate in foreign exchange programs with countries such as Australia, South Korea, England and other participating nations.


The values and traits instilled in our cadets are not just confined to military life.  The ultimate goal of Coral Sea Division is to develop young adults into a well rounded and confident adult ready to enter the world as a successful and productive member of society.  While many of our cadets do enlist in various branches of the military, others who have taken a different path have come to find that their experiences in the Sea Cadets have prepared them to meet any challenge and complete any task on their road to success.


Are you interested in becoming a cadet with Coral Sea Division?  If so please contact and fill out an application below!

Visit the national website for more information about Sea Cadets.