Cubmaster's Note

Welcome to Pack 268 and Pack 62!  


Welcome to our Scouting family at Cub Scout Pack 268 and Pack 62.

Scouting USA is the finest youth organization I have ever been associated with.  I have enjoyed many years of Scouting in the Pikes Peak region.  The leadership resources available from our local and national units at Scouting USA are plentiful.  The requirements are rewarding and the opportunities for the Scouts are endless.  If values like honesty, loyalty, duty and respect are important to you as a parent, then you are at the right place.

At Cub Scout Pack 268 we hold these values very high and take full advantage of all available resources.  The Pikes Peak Council has several first-class facilities such as Camp Alexander Scout Camp, Camp Glen Aspen, the Scouting Center, and the Hibbard Memorial Scout Shop.  Besides it is lots and lots of FUN.

All of our leaders and committee members are BSA YOUTH PROTECTION TRAINED. Many of our leaders are constantly pursuing and advancing their training to bring the best program to the Scouts that we can.  The programs are super fun and the scope of the programs can target many different interests. 

There are many different opportunities for adults to help out if that interests you, both in registered leadership or committee membership roles.

I look forward to meeting you and together we can watch your young ones grow into responsible members of this community and this great nation.

Yours in Scouting,

Matthew Hoekstra

Cubmaster – Cub Scout Pack 268 and Pack 62