Apencmos Center

The Apehcemos .JPG - #1 The ships are doing there own thing, The heart is kinda crumbling, the plants are few, and the rocks are just floating by.

Apehcemos. Attack. .JPG - #2 The plants start to grow, and the heart is fixed. The ships see it as a threat and attack.

Apehcemos.Plants victory. .JPG - #3 The plants grow a lot really fast and chase out the ships. I don't know what will happen to the plants or the ships, and there is no set bad guy or good guy, it's pick your side and call it good. I am on the plants side. When the next apencmos comes out Tell me which side you are on, that could give me some ideas for the story line.

Ships Strike Back. - #4 The ships strike back. In the last Apencmos the number of plants was too big for the small number of ships to destroy. But in this one the ships come back. Back with NEW ships, faster, and more easily maneuverable in tight spaces. The cactuses, vines, and flowers are destroyed. But is this the end of the plants and hearts. Something's up with the rocks. The mountains have turned rainbow. What does this mean? Hay! Look! earth has slipped it's way into the apencmos. All beacuse the artist tried to draw something and got something else. His house is even marked.

Ships Strike Back 2 - #4.1 Larger view of earth in the last Apencmos. "Hay! Look! earth has slipped it's way into the apencmos. All beacuse the artist tried to draw something and got something else. His house is even marked."

Apencmos plants strike back..JPG - #5 The plants strike back. The heart breaks off one corner to revel a powerful, fast growing vine. The vine can crush ships and that's just what it does. The main ship is is destroyed and "WWHN?" aka Wht will happen next.