Website Hosting Provider List

Choosing a website hosting service might not seem like a difficult task. At least that’s what I thought. However, as I look back I recognise most of my mistakes and misconceptions.

First of all, yes, I’m the guy that hardly knew anything about website hosting and endeavoured to build a website using a website hosting provider that was very happy to charge me £67.00 a month for a plan that was way above my very basic needs. However, at the time, I believed that this was the standard fee one would pay for website hosting services.

Fortunately, today you don’t have to make the same mistakes blindly.

Note: Generally you’ll find that most hosting providers offer a range from the different hosting types below. However, for this page we have aimed at providing the ‘type of hosting’ for which each hosting provider appears to be most noted for.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Hosting:

Managed Hosting

Managed Hosting: refers to rented secure dedicated servers that are monitored and maintained by an internet service provider.



WP Engine

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting: deploys a network of connected virtual and physical servers that provide access to applications or websites from a number of locations. The following are amongst the above-average to excellent hosting solution for both tailored for general website as well as dedicated WordPress page builder projects.




Colocation Hosting

Colocation hosting: In short, a businesses internal IT infrastructure i.e. hardware and software is rehoused within a data centre that secures and manages the clients servers on their behalf.

Liquid Web