
7. The Effect of Empathy and Future-Orientation on COVID-19 Vaccination: Evidence from a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Experiment in Tanzania with Said Rashid, Noela Ringo, Nyagosya Range, Johnson Mshiu, Melkisedeck Majaha, Danford Sango, Christina Fille, Anelisa Rushaigo, and Andrew Kilale.

6. The Effects of Independent Local Radio on Tanzanian Public Opinion: Evidence from a Planned Natural Experiment with Don Green, Dylan Groves, Beatrice Montano, and Bardia Rahmani. forthcoming at The Journal of Politics.

5. A Radio Drama's Effects on Attitudes Toward Early and Forced Marriage: Results from a Field Experiment in Rural Tanzania with Don Green, Dylan Groves, Beatrice Montano, and Bardia Rahmani. (2022) Comparative Political Studies, 56(8): 1115-1155.

4. A Radio Drama’s Effects on HIV Attitudes and Policy Priorities: A Field Experiment in Tanzania with Don Green and Dylan Groves. (2021) Health Education & Behavior, 48(6): 842-851.

3. Inputs, Incentives, and Complementarities in Education: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania with Isaac Mbiti, Karthik Muralidharan, Mauricio Romero, Youdi Schipper, and Rakesh Rajani. (2019) The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol 134(3): 1627-1673.

2. Gods, Kings, and Missionaries: Legacies of Ancient States and Christian Missionaries on Religion in Africa.

1. Understanding Preferences for Unification: Evidence from the East African Federation.