Pre-Travel Questions

The following questions are intended as "thought exercises." Think about whether you have done enough preparation to provide a reasonable answer.

What are the most extreme weather conditions that you are likely to encounter during your stay?

What are the likely weather conditions you will encounter en route to your destination (and return)?

Is the current period average or exceptional?

What are the characteristics (e.g., vegetation, crops, land ownership) of the region?

Where are the most likely areas with natural or semi-natural vegetation? How big are these areas?

What is the general topography of the area? How is this likely to be important?

What is the transportation system? What are the implications? How might this be influenced by the weather (e.g., reliability, safety, speed)?

What natural disasters (if any) have been experienced in the region? Is this important in the planning?

Is there a history of river flooding?

How far (distance & time) is the area from a major communication and transportation hub?

Where are the nearby places for which there is a long-term climate record? How do these places differ from the destination? Are these differences important considerations when looking at the regional climate?

Are there any local climate records? Would the establishment of a permanent weather station be useful to fill any gaps? Would it be practical?

What is the regional land use pattern? How does this relate to the local situation?

How would you handle extreme situations such as not having power for an extended time? What other long-duration conditions would require you to shift to a extreme defensive strategy?

What types of clothes should you take to handle the expected weather conditions? How are these likely to vary during your stay? Is there any evidence that you'll need to plan for contingencies?

What items of clothing or gear do you consider "not expendable"? How would you cope if you were to loose such items?

Are there cultural considerations that encourage (or force) you to reconsider your clothing, gear or how you would respond to an emergency situation?

If you were to arrive at a filed site with absolutely minimal clothing and gear (literally, the clothes on your back), could you properly equip yourself if you had enough local money? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this happening?

Last Updated: October 1, 2011.