

  1. Anderson D, Negishi Y, Ishiniwa H, Okuda K, Hinton T, Toma R, Nagata J, Tamate HB, Kaneko S (2021) Introgression dynamics from invasive pigs into wild boar following the March 2011 natural and anthropogenic disasters at Fukushima. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Accepted).

  2. Yumoto K, Kanbe T, Saito Y, Kaneko S, Tsuda Y (2021) Efficient PCR amplification protocol of nuclear microsatellites for exuviae-derived DNA of cicada, Yezoterpnosia nigricosta. Frontier in Insect Sciences (Accepted).

  3. 黒沢高秀・首藤光太郎・佐藤晃平・早坂英介・西田謙二・村長昭義・藤井伸二・兼子伸吾 (2021)滋賀県近江八幡市宮ヶ浜の「イワキアブラガヤ」はセフリアブラガヤ(カヤツリグサ科)である. 植物地理・分類研究 (採録決定済み).

  4. Nguyen PT, Kaneko S, Shishido K, Ohira H, TsukadaH (2021) Radiation dose rate to Japanese cedar and plants collected from Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture. Science of the Total Environment 779:146350.

  5. 和田敏裕・山川宇宙・小牧弘季・寺本航・舟木優斗・佐藤太津真・早乙女忠弘・川田暁・石井弓美子・林誠二・斎藤梨絵・須田真人・金指努・難波謙二・兼子伸吾・津田吉晃 (2021) 原発事故後の福島県浜通り河川で採集されたエゾウグイ. 地域創造32:233-239.


  1. Anderson D, Negishi Y, Toma R, Nagata J, Tamate HB, Kaneko S (2020) Robust microsatellite markers for hybrid analysis between domesticated pigs and wild boar: Markers for pig and wild boar hybridization. Genetic Resources 1:29-41.

  2. Kanbe T, Yumoto K, Yamakawa U, Nakajima S, Kaneko S, Kitamura K, Saito Y, Tsuda Y. (2020) Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from a cicada, Yezoterpnosia nigricosta (Hemiptera: Cicadidae), distributed in subarctic and cool temperate forests. Genes & Genetic Systems 95:1-5.

  3. Sugita N, Ebihara A, Hosoya T, Jinbo U, Kaneko S, Kurosawa T, Nakae M, Yukawa T (2020) Non-destructive DNA extraction from herbarium specimens: a method particularly suitable for plants with small and fragile leaves. Journal of Plant Research 133:133-141.

  4. Shutoh K, Usuba M, Yamagishi H, Fujita Y, Shiga T. (2020) A new record of Potamogeton ×angustifolius J. Presl (Potamogetonaceae) in Japan. Acta phytotaxonomica et geobotanica 71:33-44.


  1. Ogaki K, Suetsugu K, Kishikawa K, Kyogoku D, Shutoh K, Isagi Y, Kaneko S (2019) Newly developed microsatellite markers suggest the clear difference in tandem repeats among four related Gastrodia species (Orchidaceae) Genes & Genetic Systems 94: 225-229.

  2. Yamakawa U, Kaneko S, Imai R, Faulks LK, Kon K, Kyogoku D, Isagi Y, Tsuda Y (2019) Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered sleeper, Eleotris oxycephala (Perciformes: Eleotridae). Genes & Genetic Systems 94: 219-224.

  3. 菅野諒・加納精矢・紺野波瑠・山本剛・兼子伸吾・大谷修司 (2019) 福島県産のミルフラスコモ(シャジクモ科フラスコモ属). 地域創造31:129-132.

  4. Anderson D, Toma R, Negishi Y, Okuda K, Ishiniwa H, Hinton TG, Namba K, Tamate HB, Kaneko S (2019) Mating of escaped domestic pigs with wild boar and possibility of their offspring migration after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Scientific Reports 9:11537.

  5. 横川昌史・菅久・山下由美・兼子伸吾 (2019) 大阪府で見つかったクマガイソウの生育状況と遺伝的多様性. 地域自然史と保全 41:37-44.

  6. Kishikawa K, Suetsugu K, Kyogoku D, Ogaki K, Iga D, Shutoh K, Isagi Y, Kaneko S (2019) Development of microsatellite markers for the completely cleistogamous species Gastrodia takeshimensis (Orchidaceae) that are transferable to its chasmogamous sister G. nipponica. Genes & Genetic Systems 94:95-98.

  7. 兼子伸吾 (2019) 絶滅種?外来種?80年前の標本からイワキアブラガヤの由来を探る. ミルシル 68:11-13.


  1. 秋廣高志・猪瀬礼璃菜・近藤将貴・薄井創太・小野朝海・竹内まどか・小野紘平・小嶋正紀・萬代功・兼子伸吾・根本秀一・山下由美・黒沢高秀 (2018) 福島大学共生システム理工学類生物標本室FKSEの植物標本のデジタル化および福島県の植物の同定を支援するシステム(福島県版iPis)の構築. 植物地理・分類研究 66:61-69.

  2. Ando H, Tsuda Y, Kaneko S, Kubo T (2018) Historical and recent impacts on genetic structure of island rabbit. Journal of Wildlife Management and Wildlife Monographs 82:1658-1667

  3. Nakahama N, Ito A, Kaneko S, Matsuki Y, Suyama Y, Hayano A, Murayama M, Isagi Y (2018) Development of microsatellite markers for endangered orchid Calanthe izu-insularis (Orchidaceae). Genes & Genetic Systems 93:31-35.

  4. Ohira H, Sato K, Tsutsumi T, Kaneko S, Choi H (2018) Molecular DNA barcoding of South Korean pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) revealed the existence of multiple cryptic species and suggested high biodiversity. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 11:399-407.

  5. Suetsugu K, Hsu TC, Kaneko S (2018) New natural hybrid in the genus Gastrodia: Gastrodia × nippo-uraiensis (Orchidaceae) from Yakushima Island, Japan. Taiwania 63:220-226.

  6. Shutoh K, Suetsugu K, Kaneko S, Kurosawa T (2018) Comparative morphological analysis of two parallel mycoheterotrophic transitions reveals divergent and convergent traits in the genus Pyrola (Pyroleae, Ericaceae). Journal of Plant Research 131:589-597.

  7. Shutoh K, Usuba M, Yamagishi H, Fujita Y, Hiramatsu S, Tsujimura O, Ishidoya Y, Kasai M, Kasai N, Matsumoto A, Norita T, Yokoyama A, Kaneko S, Shiga T. (2018) A new record of the critically endangered pondweed, Potamogeton lucens from Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany 93:240-252.

  8. 奥田圭・藤間理央根岸優希・トーマス G. ヒントン・ティモシー J. スマイサー・玉手 英利・兼子伸吾 (2018) 福島第一原子力発電所事故後に逸出したブタはニホンイノシシへの遺伝子汚染をもたらしたのか. 保全生態学研究 23: 137-144.

  9. Ohira H, Kaneko S, Faulks L, Tsutsumi T (2018) Unexpected species diversity within Japanese Mundochthonius pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae) and the necessity for improved species diagnosis revealed by molecular and morphological examination. Invertebrate Systematics 32:259-277.

  10. Satoh K, Shutoh K, Kurosawa T, Hayasaka E, Kaneko S (2018) Genetic analysis of Japanese and American specimens of Scirpus hattorianus suggests its introduction from North America. Journal of Plant Research 131:91-97.

  11. 山下由美・佐藤晃平佐藤なつき兼子伸吾 (2018) 日本における絶滅危惧植物クマガイソウCypripedium japonicum Thunb. (ラン科) の生育状況と葉緑体DNAの遺伝的多様性. 分類 17:159-166.


  1. Shutoh K, Kaneko S, Kurosawa T (2017) Taxonomy and distribution of Pyrola subaphylla Maxim. (Pyroleae, Ericaceae). Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 68:181-192.

  2. Shutoh K, Izuno A, Isagi Y, Kurosawa T, Kaneko S (2017) Development of microsatellite markers for partially and putative fully mycoheterotrophic varieties of Pyrola japonica sensu lato (Ericaceae). Genes & Genetic Systems 92:99-103.

  3. Choi HJ, Ito T, Yokogawa M, Kaneko S, Suyama Y, Isagi Y (2017) Population and genetic status of a critically endangered 1 species in Korea: Hydrangea luteovenosa (Hydrangeaceae). Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 47:1-5.

  4. Kaneko S, Matsuki Y, Qiu XY, Isagi Y (2017) Chloroplast DNA sequencing and detailed microsatellite genotyping of all remnant populations suggests that only a single genet survives of the critically endangered plant Rehmannia japonica. Journal of Plant Research 130:117-124.

  5. Shiga T, Yokogawa M, Kaneko S, Isagi Y (2017) Genetic diversity and population structure of Nuphar submerse (Nymphaeaceae), a critically endangered aquatic plant endemic to Japan, and implications for its conservation. Journal of Plant Research 130:83-93.


  1. Shutoh K, Kaneko S, Suetsugu K, Kurosawa T (2016) Variation in vegetative morphology tracks the complex genetic diversification of the mycoheterotrophic species Pyrola japonica sensu lato. American Journal of Botany 103:1618-1629.

  2. 大平 創・兼子 伸吾・塘 忠顕 (2016) 小型カニムシ類の付属肢を用いた迅速・安価な DNA 抽出法. Acta Arachnologica 65:89-95.

  3. Dohzono I, Kaneko S, Yokoyama J, Isagi Y (2016) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Corydalis ambigua (Papaveraceae). Plant Species Biology 39:159-162.

  4. Fujii N, Takasawa S, Yokogawa M, Yamasaki T, Harada K, Kaneko S, Isagi Y (2016) Novel nuclear microsatellite markers reveal genetic diversity and Structure of Veronicastrum sibiricum var. zuccarinii (Plantaginaceae) in the Aso Region, Kyushu, Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 67: 69-82.

  5. Ohira H, Kaneko S, Tsutsumi T (2016) Is abdominal tergal chaetotaxy reliable for species diagnosis of Japanese soil-dwelling Mundochthonius Pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae)? Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan 51: 11-13.

  6. Yamashita y, Izuno A, Isagi Y, Kurosawa T, Kaneko S (2016) Isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite loci for the endangered orchid, Cypripedium japonicum (Orchidaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 4(2):1500097.

  7. Isagi Y, Oda T, Fukushima K, Lian C, Yokogawa M, Kaneko S. (2016) Predominance of a single clone of the most widely distributed bamboo species Phyllostachys edulis in East Asia. Journal of Plant Research 129:21-27.

  8. 首藤光太郎・黒沢高秀・兼子伸吾 (2016) 裏磐梯高原の葉を失ったイチヤクソウの正体を探る. In 塘忠顕 (編) 裏磐梯・猪苗代地域の環境学. 福島民報社, pp 143-150.

  9. 大平創・塘忠顕・兼子伸吾 (2016) 裏磐梯地域に見るカニムシの多様性. In 塘忠顕 (編) 裏磐梯・猪苗代地域の環境学. 福島民報社, pp 163-171.

  10. 塘忠顕・志賀澄歌・木目澤友梨恵・兼子伸吾 (2016) 福島県と山形県の山岳域に分布するアザミウマ類. In 塘忠顕 (編) 裏磐梯・猪苗代地域の環境学. 福島民報社, pp 173-183.


  1. Imanishi A, Kaneko S, Isagi Y, Imanishi J, Natsuhara Y, Morimoto Y. (2015) Genetic diversity and structure of Euryale ferox Salisb. (Nymphaeaceae) in Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 66:1-9.

  2. 黒沢高秀・蓮沼憲二・兼子伸吾・田中伸幸・早坂英介 (2015) イワキアブラガヤおよび近縁の帰化種セフリアブラガヤ(カヤツリグサ科)の国内の分布と由来. 分類 15: 29-40.

  3. 猪瀬礼璃菜兼子伸吾・黒沢高秀 (2015) 福島県喜多方市ひめさゆりの丘の植物相と絶滅危惧植物の現状. 地域創造26(2):124-141.

  4. 加藤沙織・兼子伸吾・黒沢高秀 (2015) 天然記念物駒土湿原(福島県南会津町および昭和村)指定地内と周辺の開拓跡地における植物相と植生. 地域創造26(2):142-167.

  5. 2014

  1. Qian S, Saito W, Mimura M, Kaneko S, Isagi Y, Mizumachi E, Mori AS (2014) Asymmetric gene flow and the distribution of genetic diversity in morphologically distinct Abies mariesii populations in contrasting eco-habitats. Plant Ecology 215: 1385-1397.

  2. Isagi Y, Kaneko S (2014) Ubiquitous genotyping for conservation of endangered plant species. In Nakano et al. (eds.) Integrative observations and assessments. Springer Japan, pp 311-325.

  3. Ando H, Ogawa H, Kaneko S, Takano H, Seki S, Suzuki H, Horikoshi K, Isagi Y (2014) Genetic structure of the critically endangered Red-headed Wood Pigeon Columba janthina nitens and its implications for the management of threatened island populations. Ibis 156: 153-164.

  4. 阿部由里・猪瀬礼璃菜・藤原聖史・兼子伸吾・平塚明 (2014) 岩手県内に栽培されている絶滅危惧植物アツモリソウCypripedium macranthos var. speciosumの遺伝的多様性および外来近縁種の混入. 保全生態学研究 19: 95-102.

  5. 木目澤友利恵・兼子伸吾・塘忠顕 (2014) 山岳域に生息する属不明アザミウマ(アザミウマ科:アザミウマ亜科)の所属と遺伝的多様性.共生のシステム14:137-144.

  6. 桑島和斗・首藤光太郎・兼子伸吾・黒沢高秀 (2014) 休暇村裏磐梯(福島県北塩原村)の植物相.共生のシステム14:154-164.


  1. Kaneko S, Abe T, Isagi Y (2013) Complete genotyping in conservation genetics, a case study of a critically endangered shrub, Stachyurus macrocarpus var. prunifolius (Stachyuraceae) in the Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Journal of Plant Research 126:635-642.

  2. Yokogawa M, Kaneko S, Takahashi Y, Isagi Y (2013) Genetic consequences of rapid population decline and construction of restored populations of the critically endangered herb Polemonium kiushianum, and prediction of genetic effects of seed transfer from wild to restored populations. Biological Conservation 157: 401-408.

  3. Ando S, Kaneko S, Isagi Y, Kitayama K (2013) Development of SSR markers for tropical alpine tree species Leptospermum recurvum (Myrtaceae) endemic to Mount Kinabalu in Borneo. Applications in Plant Sciences 9:1200010.

  4. Choi HJ, Kaneko S, Yokogawa M, Song GP, Kim DS, Kang SH, Suyama Y, Isagi Y. Population and genetic status of a critically endangered species in Korea, Euchresta japonica (Leguminosae), and its implications for conservation. Journal of Plant Biology 56:251-257.

  5. Ito T, Kaneko S, Yokogawa M, Song GP, Choi HJ, Isagi Y (2013) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Hydrangea luteovenosa (Hydrangeaceae), an endangered species in Korea. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 43:30-33.

  6. Yamasaki T, Ozeki K, Fujii N, Takehara M, Yokogawa M, Kaneko S, Isagi Y (2013) Genetic diversity and structure of Silene kiusiana (Caryophyllaceae) in the Aso region, Kyushu, Japan, revealed by novel nuclear microsatellite markers. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 63:107-120.

  7. Sakata Y, Kaneko S, Hayano A, Murayama M, Ohgushi T, Isagi Y (2013) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the invasive herb Solidago altissima (Asteraceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 4:1-3.

  8. McMahon C, Isagi Y, Kaneko S, Bowman D, Brook B, Bradshaw C (2013) Genetic structure of introduced swamp buffalo subpopulations in tropical Australia. Austral Ecology 38:46-56.

  9. 志賀隆・横川昌史・兼子伸吾・井鷺裕司 (2013) 全個体遺伝子型解析データに基づく市場に流通する絶滅危惧水生植物シモツケコウホネNuphar submersaとナガレコウホネN. ×flumilalis (Nymphaeaceae)の種同定産地同定.保全生態学研究18:33-44.

  10. 猪狩資子・猪狩素巳・掃部康宏・兼子伸吾・塘忠顕 (2013) 天然記念物「駒止湿原」の鳥類相.地域創造 25:86-102

  11. 兼子伸吾・首藤光太郎・黒沢高秀 (2013) 古い植物標本を用いた絶滅個体群の系統解析方法の開発.共生のシステム13:95-99

  12. 首藤光太郎・森康裕・兼子伸吾・黒沢高秀 (2013) 裏磐梯五色沼湖沼群と弁天沼南東部の3湖沼の水生植物.共生のシステム13:88-94

  13. 兼子伸吾猪瀬礼璃菜・加藤沙織・角谷祐紀 (2013) 絶滅危惧種ヒゴタイにおける稔実率と痩果重量について.比和科学博物館研究報告 55:185-192


  1. Izuno A, Takamiya M, Kaneko S, Isagi Y (2012) Genetic variation and structure of the endangered Lady Fern Athyrium viridescentipes based on ubiquitous genotyping. Journal of Plant Research 125:613-618.

  2. Kondo T, Crisp MD, Linde C, Bowman DMJS, Kawamura K, Kaneko S, Isagi Y (2012) Not an ancient relic: the endemic Livistona palms of arid central Australia could have been introduced by humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:2652-2661. *Featured by Nature and Science.

  3. Nakahama N, Kaneko S, Hayano A, Isagi Y, Inoue-Murayama M, Tominaga T (2012) Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered grassland speciesVincetoxicum pycnostelma (Apocynaceae), using next generation sequencing technology. Conservation Genetics Resources 4:669-671.

  4. Sugawara H, Igawa T, Yokogawa M, Okuda M, Oumi S, Katsuren S, Kaneko S, Umino T, Isagi Y, Sumida M (2012) Isolation and characterization of ten microsatellite loci of endangered Anderson's crocodile newt, Echinotriton andersoni. Conservation Genetics Resources 4:595-598.

  5. Fukada C, Kaneko S, Yokogawa M, Kobayashi T, Ushimaru A, Isagi Y (2012) Development of ten microsatellite markers for Arisaema minus (Araceae), a vulnerable herb species in Japan. Conservation Genetics Resources 4:495-497.

  6. Choi HJ, Kaneko S, Oh BU, Isagi Y (2012) Development of microsatellite markers for Corydalis hirtipes (Fumariaceae), a narrow endemic species of Korea. Conservation Genetics Resources 4:407-409.

  7. Yokogawa M, Shiga T, Kaneko S, Isagi Y (2012) Development of nuclear microsatellite markers for the critically endangered freshwater macrophyte, Nuphar submersa(Nymphaeaceae), and cross-species amplification in six additional Nuphar taxa. Conservation Genetics Resources 4:295-298.

  8. 兼子伸吾・塘忠顕・大平創 (2012) 絶滅危惧植物ヒゴタイにおけるアワダチソウグンバイの食害を確認. 比婆科学 244:55-56.

  9. 志賀隆・横川昌史・ 兼子伸吾・井鷺裕司 (2012) 全個体遺伝子型解析で絶滅危惧種を守る:シモツケコウホネを例にして. Nature Study 58:2-4.

  10. 井鷺裕司・ 兼子伸吾・ 水谷未耶・ 加藤慶子・伊津野彩子・高宮正之・志賀隆・増本育子・大竹邦明 (2012) 全個体遺伝子型解析による絶滅危惧植物の保全. DNA多型 20:148-152.


  1. Yoshikawa N, Kaneko S, Kuwabara K, Okumura N, Matsui M, Isagi Y (2011) Development of Microsatellite Markers for the Two Giant Salamander Species (Andrias japonicus and A. davidianus). Current Herpetology 30:177-180.

  2. Ando H, Kaneko S, Suzuki H, Horikoshi K, Takano H, Ogawa H, Isagi Y (2011) Genetic diversity of the Japanese wood pigeon, Columba janthina, an endemic to islands of East Asia, estimated by newly developed microsatellite markers. Zoological Science 28:891-986.

  3. Araki SK, Kaneko S, Isagi Y, Kudo H (2011) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Cardamine leucantha (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 98:e385-e387.

  4. Mizusawa L, Kaneko S, Hasegawa M, Isagi Y (2011) Development of nuclear SSRs for the insular shrub Clerodendrum izuinsulare (Verbenaceae) and widespread C. trichotomum. American Journal of Botany 98:e333-336.

  5. Izuno A, Takamiya M, Kaneko S, Isagi Y (2011) Microsatellite loci in an endangered fern species Athyrium viridescentipes (Woodsiaceae) and cross-species amplification. American Journal of Botany 98:e339-341.

  6. Imanishi A, Kaneko S, Isagi Y, Imanishi J, Natsuhara Y, Morimoto Y (2011) Development of microsatellite markers for Euryale ferox (Nymphaeaceae), an endangered aquatic plant species in Japan. American Journal of Botany 98:e233-235.

  7. Kaneko S, Kondo T, Isagi Y. (2011) Development of microsatellite markers for the northern Australian endemic fan palm Livistona rigida (Arecaceae), with cross-amplification in the five related species. Conservation Genetics Resources 3:697-699.

  8. 兼子伸吾 (2011) 日本の絶滅危惧樹木シリーズ(36)-ムニンフトモモ-. 林木の育種 238:35~37.