
NAVADMIN Library PFA / PRT site Earlybird News


NDAWS (Awards)

NFAAS (Family Accountability--muster here in an a NATURAL EMERGENCY)

Navy Leadership Planning Guide Calendar is available on NKO under the LEADERSHIP Tab.

You can also download a .csv file for import into Outlook Calendar or your Google Calendar.

If you want a separate NLPG calendar overlay for your google calendar, first log into your google account and then click on the icon-link on the bottom right of the calendar shown below.

NFAAS NOTE. Required Update to Personal Information in NFAAS. The bi-yearly NFAAS address/update verification deadline is fast approaching. NAVADMIN 275/11 requires all Active-Duty, Reserve Sailors and Department of the Navy civilian and contractors outside the continental United States to log in to to verify and update contact information for themselves and their dependents twice a year. See NAVADMIN attached.

It's imperative that as an organization we set the example and have all of our personnel update their personal contact information in NFAAS. Please ensure that you also update/verify your dependents contact info. You must select the verify button even if your information is correct. This will reset the date you updated it in the system. Instructions for updating your NFASS data:

1. Go to or simply Google "NFAAS".

2. Under "Navy Military, Civilians, OCONUS Contractors, and their Families" click on "Click Here".

3. Choose your login method: By CAC card or username/password (The Personal Information method will

not allow users to verify their information).

4. Click "login".

5. Once you have logged in, to update your info click on the "My Info" tab.

6. To verify your contact info, click on the "Contact Information" button on the left side of the screen. (NOTE: You need to also update your family member info by clicking on the "Family Member Info" button. Remember - the Navy will need to track your dependants during a catastrophic event as well).

7. If your info is correct, click "Verify info as Current." If your info is incorrect, click "Edit".

8. If the DEERs portion of the page (highlighted in yellow) is incorrect please login to DEERs by following the "To login to DEERS, click here" link.

9. Once you have entered your current contact info click "Save".

10. Simply log out.