Unit 1 - Lesson 2
Journal: What is your personal definition of “information?”
Binary Question - A question with only two possible answers.
Binary Message - Information that can only be one of two responses.
Challenge 1: Simple Binary Message (state A or B)
Challenge 1: Simple Binary Message (state A or B)
Time Limit: 5 mins
- Choose the binary question your device will be used to answer.
- Create a device using classroom items to send a simple binary message - state A or B. (See Box for materials)
- Try to make it fail-proof. Consider a few obstacles. Would it still work if…
- There was something in between you and your partner?
- You couldn’t see your partner?
- You were in a loud room?
- Your partner wasn’t paying attention?
4 possible messages? 8 messages? 16 messages? n-messages?
Respond to these questions in Unit 1 - Sending Binary Messages on Code Studio.
Do you drink sodas?
Do you like Coke or Pepsi?