Units of Study

Unit 1 - The Internet - code.org - homework & classwork

Class Discussions

What is the Internet?


How does Google search? How does google search?

History of the Internet. Internetsociety.org

How the Internet works. - Nick Parlante's Stanford CS101

Where the Internet was born. - UCLA

Tech News - ACM

Super Computing TED Talk - Pete Beckman

BioComputing - Cell as a computer

Steve Wozniack - Biography

The Father of Fractals - Big Brains, Small Films

Gorilla Glass - Article

How does Google Translate work? (2 min)

Machine Learning - can a machine learn?

Net Neutrality - FCC Ske

Weaponized Web? - Tim Berners-Lee

NEW Web - Time Berners-Lee

Unit 2 - Digital Information - code.org - homework & classwork

Class Discussions

Blown to Bits - download book & read - read & report schedule

What is digital information? Center for Digital Information

Unit 3 - Algorithms and Abstractions.

An algorithm is a procedure (a code/a set of instructions) that solves a problem or executes a task.

An abstraction is a simplification to make a task easier for the user and/or programmer to understand or do a task.

Example: code is an abstraction of binary.

"Another Example:"

is an abstraction of html code

<div style="font-size:13.3333px">"Another Example:" is an abstraction of&nbsp;</div>


- Algorithms and Programming , Abstractions

Algorithm Video 1

What is an Algorithm? - Khan Academy

Algorithms - crash course

What is an Abstraction? code expanse

Abstraction - nerd first

Abstraction - hiding a background process

Prisoner's Dilemma

Python Quizzes

Do all beginner quizzes

Unit 4 - Big Data and Privacy

Unit 5 - Building Apps

Unit 6 - Create and Explore: Performance Tasks - see code.org

8 Variables Video (PLTW)

8 variables quizlet

More variables - defined, includes 8