AP Computer Science Principles
“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become." Steve Jobs
"It's fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure." Bill Gates
1. Dr. Gen's AP CSP Contact Form
PLTW Review for End-of-Year-Assessment
Learning Python.ORG
Review Python using W3
*W3 Resources Exercises (Creditos = save ORIGINAL trinkets for me to see & create pdfs - no credit if not original)
Submit W3 Creditos Here
*PLTW Exercises (Creditos - Originals Only)
1.2.1 Catch a Turtle 1.2.2 Turtle Leaderboard 1.2.3 Apple Avalanche 1.2.4Turtle Escape 1.2.5 Shall we play a game?
Show me code in Trinket and working program in your account
Submit PLTW Creditos Here
Completing Creditos will earn you ONE grade bump if done conscientiously by May 30. (PLTW Assessment scheduled May 31)
AP Computer Science Principles
About the Course
Learn the principles that underlie the science of computing and develop the thinking skills that computer scientists use. You’ll work on your own and as part of a team to creatively address real-world issues using the tools and processes of computation.
Skills You'll Learn
Making connections between concepts in computing
Designing a program to solve a problem or complete a task
Applying abstractions in computation and modeling
Analyzing computational work
Communicating ideas about technology and computation
Working collaboratively to solve problems
AP Exam Components
1. Performance Task 30%
Must upload no later than May 2, 2022
2. Multiple Choice Exam 70%
2 hour, 70 questions, 4 answer options
Course Content
You’ll learn how important collaboration is in developing programs and how to use an iterative process in your work.
You’ll explore how computers handle data and how data can be used to produce new information and solve problems.
You’ll learn how to use algorithms and abstractions to create programs that solve problems or to express your own creativity.
You’ll explore how computer systems and networks work and how using multiple computers to divide tasks can speed up processes.
You’ll examine the effects computing has had on societies, economies, and cultures and consider the legal and ethical responsibilities of programmers.