Latest Update: 04.07.2023

Hello Chess Friends,

New similarity data based mainly on latest Top engines!Btw, for previous (based on older engine vers.): Results
Actually, this is known that many of Top engines areVery close to each other, especially which are 3700+ 
Note that these values are generated with time 100 msJust imagine, e.g 10 Sec (per move), then very likelyTheir percentages would be much close to each other!
On the other hand, what is interesting to point out that,Usually SF based engines have almost same bug/s !E.g I'm referring about the latest CTG buggy code, if notClear, please see the oldest post what is going on Details
As another shocking news is that,SF PB 190623 vs Polyfish 210623 has a similarity: 99%  It seems that both engines are based on same source!And this is other question of course, anyhow as a tester,In my next tours, I wonder which one to knowTesting almost same identical ones will be meaningless!
By the way,  I've tested RapTora 2.2 by Antonio Ces plusRapTora 2.2 by Eduard Nemeth, where their results: 92%What does it mean? not exactly same vers..but very close!
As final words (about all SF based engines),The Mother is clear... but I wonder who is the Father?)
Ok..that's all for now and thanks for your interest )


Note:  All Similarity data results are available: Simex July 2023