Latest Update: 10.02.2021

Dear Chess Friends,
I'm glad to announce that,I've organized another handicapped competition!It's similar championship as CS I / 2019 / 2018The main difference is that (about the new tour...),1.The opponents strength are close GMs level2. More engines are tested in Handicapped modeE.g I've managed to include over than 80 enginesApprox. 75 engines are close to GMs strengthAnd I tested so far Top 10 engines (as handicapped...)Sure, a lot of work, efforts...are spent, because to createNew rating with 80+ engines, it's not so it looks !)And all the mentioned job is done in very short-time of period!Note also that some engines are not tuned or suffer under theseHandicapped conditions...e.g LCZero engine is one of them!That's why unfortunately I paused/cancelled testing Lc0 ..Btw,Ceres v0.87 (plus previous vers.) did not work on my machine...But I have good news as well,There are many other stable engines, which worked flawlessly...
Meanwhile,For anyone who missed...regarding the current new ideas:The 1st ever created rating list via Handicapped openings!For example, such engine rating lists are never seen before!And same words are going for my book competitions too...More details about the current tournament:Top engines played with 4 Handicapped openings:- Without 3 (three) Pawns- Without 4 (four) Pawns- Without 1 (one) Bishop- Without 1 (one) Knight
As final conclusion,I decided the current exciting competition to be ended...becauseThe other rest available engines have no BIG chances to win....But note also that there is a possibility the tour to be resumed...Regarding the performance of some engines,It seems, Eman and SugaR's engine learning are played a BIG role!Komodo's performance is not bad as well..., and no big surprise...!Meanwhile, I picked especially Rybka 1.2f (as high-rated) becauseRybka was the 1st engine, which reached 2900 Elo (in 2005-2006)
The HC Winner: Eman, SugaR - Congrats to Omar, Zerbinati, SF Team!
# PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Rybka 1.2f : 2898.0 365.0 490 74.5% 2 Junior 11.2 : 2859.9 336.0 502 66.9% 3 Protector 1.2.8 : 2851.4 339.5 490 69.3% 4 Shredder 11 : 2842.9 325.0 502 64.7% 5 EXchess 7.51b : 2834.1 319.5 502 63.6% 6 Hiarcs 12.1 : 2822.7 312.0 502 62.2% 7 Sjeng 3.0 : 2820.3 341.5 542 63.0% 8 Pedone 1.1 : 2807.4 306.5 482 63.6% 9 Zappa Mexico : 2804.5 336.0 550 61.1% 10 RuyDos 1.1.9 : 2803.4 292.5 494 59.2% 11 The Baron 3.29 : 2794.9 287.5 494 58.2% 12 Doch32 09.980 : 2793.4 321.5 542 59.3% 13 rofChade 1.0 : 2792.6 304.0 490 62.0% 14 Crafty 23.4 : 2790.8 319.5 542 58.9% 15 Pawny 1.2 : 2788.8 318.0 542 58.7% 16 Tucano 6.0 : 2784.9 314.5 524 60.0% 17 BugChess2 1.9 : 2782.0 312.5 524 59.6% 18 Frenzee v3.5.19 : 2777.7 309.5 524 59.1% 19 Glaurung 2.1 : 2777.7 309.5 524 59.1% 20 Arminius 2018 : 2775.5 308.0 524 58.8% 21 Jonny 4.00 : 2773.7 306.5 542 56.5% 22 Fruit 2.2.1 : 2760.7 296.5 542 54.7% 23 Octoches r4894 : 2760.2 270.5 474 57.1% 24 Eman 6.91 : 2759.4 339.0 600 56.5% 25 SugaR AI 1.40 : 2759.4 339.0 600 56.5% 26 Komodo Dragon : 2758.8 338.5 600 56.4% 27 Texel 1.01 : 2755.1 280.0 490 57.1% 28 Igel 1.8.2 : 2752.7 292.0 524 55.7% 29 Cfish 030820 : 2748.7 330.5 600 55.1% 30 Dirty 20.04.2013 : 2744.2 286.0 524 54.6% 31 Rhetoric 1.4 : 2742.2 271.5 490 55.4% 32 Thinker 5.1e : 2742.2 271.5 490 55.4% 33 SmarThink 1.20 : 2735.5 277.0 542 51.1% 34 Tornado 4.4 : 2735.5 277.0 542 51.1% 35 Bobcat 3.25 : 2734.3 279.0 524 53.2% 36 Scorpio 2.6 : 2733.8 266.0 490 54.3% 37 Gaviota 0.851 : 2732.3 274.5 542 50.6% 38 Raubfisch X44d : 2731.2 316.5 600 52.8% 39 Naum 2.1 : 2728.4 271.5 542 50.1% 40 Arasan 16 : 2727.4 270.0 518 52.1% 41 Bright 0.3a : 2725.9 273.0 524 52.1% 42 Stockfish 170121 : 2725.6 312.0 600 52.0% 43 Ktulu 8 : 2725.0 248.0 474 52.3% 44 Spike 1.2 Turin : 2714.3 260.5 542 48.1% 45 Topple 0.3.5 : 2713.9 264.5 524 50.5% 46 ChessTiger 2007.1 : 2711.5 264.0 550 48.0% 47 Critter 042 : 2707.6 250.0 506 49.4% 48 Zurichess Graub. : 2704.8 258.0 524 49.2% 49 RedqQueen 1.1.2 : 2702.1 245.0 490 50.0% 50 Chessmaster 11 : 2700.0 255.0 550 46.4% 51 Ethereal 12.75 : 2698.9 290.5 600 48.4% 52 Delfi 5.4 : 2698.5 253.5 524 48.4% 53 ECE 20.1 : 2695.7 251.5 524 48.0% 54 Cheese 1.8 : 2689.9 243.5 518 47.0% 55 Amoeba 1.3 : 2685.2 244.0 524 46.6% 56 Phalanx XXV : 2677.9 229.0 490 46.7% 57 Gandalf 7.0 : 2677.3 237.0 550 43.1% 58 Nebula 2.0 : 2674.6 215.5 474 45.5% 59 Gnuchess 6.2.5 : 2673.9 236.0 524 45.0% 60 Houdini 6.03 : 2672.0 269.0 600 44.8% 61 ProDeo 2.2 : 2671.4 227.5 542 42.0% 62 Danasah 8.3 : 2669.9 229.5 518 44.3% 63 Rodent 1.6 : 2666.0 226.5 502 45.1% 64 Supernova 2.3 : 2660.4 217.5 490 44.4% 65 Zarkov 6.55 : 2659.6 226.0 524 43.1% 66 SlowChess 2.5 : 2655.5 256.0 600 42.7% 67 Djinn 1.021 : 2651.8 220.5 524 42.1% 68 K2 095 : 2648.7 199.0 474 42.0% 69 Cheng3 1.07 : 2646.4 213.5 518 41.2% 70 Alfil 13.1 : 2646.0 213.0 518 41.1% 71 Ruffian 2.1.0 : 2636.6 202.0 490 41.2% 72 Deuterium 141211 : 2629.2 205.0 524 39.1% 73 WildCat 8 : 2623.3 201.0 524 38.4% 74 Alaric 707 : 2623.0 197.5 518 38.1% 75 E.T.Chess 130108 : 2623.0 228.0 514 44.4% 76 RubiChess 1.0 : 2614.6 188.0 490 38.4% 77 Chiron 0.8.7 : 2612.0 187.5 512 36.6% 78 Movei 00.8.438 : 2598.1 168.0 474 35.4% 79 SOS 4 : 2589.2 204.5 536 38.2% 80 Nemorino 6 : 2576.4 196.5 600 32.8% 81 OpenTal 1.1 : 2526.9 152.0 474 32.1% 82 Tao 5.7 : 2519.2 159.5 514 31.0% 83 Pepito 1.59 : 2509.3 141.0 466 30.3% 84 GLC 3034 : 2509.0 153.0 514 29.8% 85 LambChop 10.99 : 2471.8 131.0 514 25.5%
• Calculated by Ordo / Chessmaster fixed to 2700 Elo / Red Name = Handicapped
More Details: Sockfish 170121 BMI2 is played as NNUE (via nn-62ef826d1a6d) Eman, Raubfish, SugaR played as NNUE too via nn-62ef826d1a6d Cfish 030820 is used to play as NON-NNUE (without any EvalFile) Both engines: Nemerino 6 and SlowChess 2.5 are played as NNUE The engines (in red color) played via 4 (four) handicapped openings Current used handicapped opening suite is available too: Download Normally the tourney's overall draw percentage is very low: 27% But the overall draws of Top engines (as handicapped) is just 14%