Latest Update: 31.01.2021
Hello Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce that,I've organized new handicapped competition!In short, it's similar tourneys as 2019 / 2018
Meanwhile,I plan another new series of handicapped tours!Where the opponents will be close to GMs levelAnd next time,I hope to test more Top engines in handicapped mode!More info very soon...
More details about the current played tour:This time Stockfish 170121 BMI2 is played:- Without 8 (eight) Pawns- Without 1 (one) Rook- Without 2 (two) pieces: Bishop and Knight- Without 4 (four) Pawns plus without Bishop- Without 4 (four) Pawns plus without Knight- Without 2 (two) Knights
Btw, I used to play the same Stockfish version,Which. managed to win the recent: NNUE CS IVAs Opponents,I've picked the engines mainly at around 1600-2000 EloAs usual, I played the ones which are capable to ponder...As you know, chess is thinking in the opponent's turn!)
Note also that,Stockfish 170121 is tested as NNUE and NON-NNUEAnd the overall SF's played results are published as:Stockfish HC NNUE = via nn-62ef826d1a6d.nnueStockfish HC = played without any EvalFileHC = HandiCapped
As final conclusion (under these handicapped conditions):It seems, Stockfish HC's strength is close to 1800 Elo pointsAlso, the overall Draw percentage is incredibly very low...Plus we have new data to compare NNUE vs NON NNUE!And as we see,No any influence in strength progress via SF + EvailFile!
# PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%) 1 Uralochka 1.1b : 2109.2 354.0 460 77.0% 2 Matant 5.04 : 2065.7 384.0 520 73.8% 3 Adroitchess 0.4 : 2037.0 421.5 588 71.7% 4 Matheus 2.3 : 2014.7 386.5 562 68.8% 5 CM10th Jessica (2031) : 2010.3 406.5 588 69.1% 6 Alcibiades 0.3.0 : 1988.2 388.5 588 66.1% 7 BigLion 2.23x : 1965.7 372.5 588 63.4% 8 LDB 2.0c : 1958.4 301.0 480 62.7% 9 Monarch 1.5 : 1958.2 352.5 568 62.1% 10 Gerbil 0.2 : 1950.6 361.5 588 61.5% 11 Asterisk 0.4b : 1934.4 349.5 588 59.4% 12 Requiem 0.53 : 1927.5 330.5 568 58.2% 13 MatMoi 7.15.0 : 1885.1 299.5 568 52.7% 14 EnginMax 5.11c : 1885.1 270.5 520 52.0% 15 Heracles 0616 : 1880.6 226.5 462 49.0% 16 Claudia 0.5 : 1854.7 289.0 588 49.1% 17 Stockfish HC : 1819.9 261.0 568 46.0% 18 Tyrell 1.02 : 1817.3 259.5 586 44.3% 19 Clueless v1.4 : 1812.1 250.0 568 44.0% 20 Stockfish HC NNUE : 1803.1 235.5 544 43.3% 21 CDrill 1800 B4 : 1800.0 247.5 588 42.1% 22 MorphyChess 1.05 : 1785.8 170.0 402 42.3% 23 Predator 2.2.1 : 1782.4 224.5 548 41.0% 24 Lczero CPU ID 103 : 1761.0 154.5 420 36.8% 25 Sayuri 060318 : 1760.5 218.5 588 37.2% 26 Chenard 060318 : 1741.3 204.0 548 37.2% 27 Kanguruh 9.3 : 1696.3 182.0 568 32.0% 28 Roque 2.0 : 1655.4 154.0 582 26.5% 29 Storm 0.6 : 1609.2 113.5 500 22.7% 30 ChessRikus 1.466 : 1542.2 97.0 548 17.7% 31 Rasch r142 : 1521.4 66.5 282 23.6%
More Details: Sockfish 170121 BMI2 is played as NNUE and NON-NNUE too Stochfish engine is used to play via 6 (six) handicapped openings The current used handicapped opening suite available: Download SF's overall draw percentage is very low, 11%...just unbelievable! The tournament's overall draw percentage is very low too: 15%.
Have Fun, Sedat