Hello Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce that,Recently I organized a new Candidate tour for XLIX
1st of all,This tour is organized to determine the best suitable engineAnd here are the most important factors, which required:1. Engine Strength (Higher better)2. Draw percentage (Lower better)3. Stability (without crashes or time forfeits etc)4. Best in case of using BIN books (BookDepth etc.)
So after checking all the above important factors,It seems as best engine (in overall): CF EXT 291120
For Examples:1 .CF EXT 291120's strength belongs to strongest ones, Great!2. CF EXT 291120's Draw percentage is just 74%, Impressive!Note: these draw values are lowest, produced in Candidate tour3. CF EXT 291120's Stability: no crashes or time forfeits so far4. CF EXT 291120's BookDepth settings worked flawlessly...And another good news is that,In direct matches: playing itself (two same CFEXT 291120 exe)The draw percentage is minus plus 71%...just unbelievable...!That means also, a lot of fun is waiting us in XLIX tour!)
Note also that,I played extra engine strength testings andCfish 030820 playing itself, produced over than 85% draws...And here is the final ranking of Candidate 2020 tournament:
# PLAYER : RATING POINTS GAMES (%)1 Cfish 030820 : 3625.5 414.0 756 54.8%2 CFEXT 291120 : 3606.7 390.5 756 51.7%3 Cfish 151220 : 3605.9 389.5 756 51.5%4 Bluefish 0707 : 3601.1 384.0 756 50.8%5 SF180820MZ : 3600.0 382.5 756 50.6%6 SugaR AI 1.0 : 3586.1 365.0 756 48.3%7 Raubfisch X44a : 3550.1 320.5 756 42.4%
Note: Overall draw percentage (based on 2646 games) not high 77% Games

Some Notes:Private ones out, due to they are not useful for overall book makers!I picked small engines in size, approx. 1 MB, due to save space...As you may know, for each book player I install other copy engine...And here some extra new strength testings, vs previous enginesWhich are used to play for all opening books (in older tourneys):
Test 1: CF EXT with 2 Cores where Brainfish with 3 Cores: 1 CF EXT 291120 2CPU +14/-13/=63 50.56% 45.5/902 Brainfish 151019 3CPU +13/-14/=63 49.44% 44.5/90-----------------------------------------------------------------------Test 2: Both chess engines are used to play with 2 Cores:1 CF EXT 291120 C40 +22/-5/=59 59.88% 51.5/862 asmFishWCP 130519 +5/-22/=59 40.12% 34.5/86
Note: Overall draw percentage (based on both testings) not high 69%-------------------------------------------------------------------Test 3: Playing itself: CF EXT 291120 C40 2 Cores: ResultsNote: The 3 testings played under FritzGUI, with TC: 3 minOverall draw percentage (based on 238 games) not high 71%Btw, I can't remember that, any other engine to be so strongAnd to produce so low draw numbers... probably Balsa suite+ Perfect2020's openings via cont. 40 played a role as wellGames
More Details,The chess engines are played as NON-NNUE and with Contempt 40Exception, asmFish130519 engine is played with default ContemptAll engines are BMI2, exc. CF EXT 291120, which is Modern/SSE41Parallel matches, so all games are played from other copy of enginePlus played at real chess: Ponder ON (thinking in the opponent's turn)Btw, in case of interest (because you may need it): CF EXT 291120
