Last Update: 22.07.2024
Hello Chess Friends )
As usually, I am very pleased to announce also thatGRAND Series are still ON... here are latest results:
Some Notes:I realized to run exactly same Book Champs which are playedIn recent organized Duels: GRAND 1 / GRAND 2 / GRAND 3Where this time all books are played by SF-PB 150724 NNUE
If you are going to ask, why ? in short:To see the influences as NN and NON-NN...since the previousDuels are played as NON-NNUE, MP, BLITZ and PONDER ON,Where now, latest SF-PB  (NN enabled), 1 Core, PONDER OFFAnd as time control: Bullet used: 30sec+0.6sec (for less draws)
By the way,  I've managed to run another new strength test: NNUE, 1 Core, 30s+06s vs NON-NNUE, 2 Cores, 3m+1s
And as we see,A GREAT performance by SF-PB  (as NNUE enabled), e.g evenWith so BIG disadvantage cond. is performed +157 Elo better...!!When I say 'with so BIG disadvantage cond.' it's argumentative..)Because I should  mention that SF-PB is played via BIG Evalfile...Where Cfish played as without using any NNUE assistance...e.gCfish 030820 has micro size (about 200KB) so nothing strange here..But however .. what I am trying to say, my organized Bullet NN toursSeems to be not so bad in quality etc. as Rapid or Slow TC in past..)
+157 Elo (more data needed, but it seems SF-PB much stronger.. Of course, I am referring, if running under these test conditions..!
1 SF-PB 1c 30s+06s  +99/-1/=132 71.12%  165.0/2322 Cfish 2c 3m+1s    +1/-99/=132 28.88%   67.0/232
To be more clear,Cfish as TC 3m+1s used due to be closer to recent duels, becauseAll of current matches are played as Ponder OFF (Not Ponder ON)In other words, just imagine... nowadays how much strong is NNUEAnd very likely Cfish 030820 via Rapid TC will be close in strength As SF-PB 150724 Bullet (even using fast Bullet TC: 30s+0.6s etc.)    SF-PB vs Cfish's Draws (based on 232 games) is not so high: 56%Btw, for anyone missed... e.g you can check older strength: Results
And let's back to current GRAND Duel 4, which is completely new...As main difference: exc that Bullet, Ponder OFF, 1 Core etc this timeSF-PB 150724 axx2 is used for all book players! and as usually, l  setFor each book player: other copy engine (sure for better performance)And for less error margin 400 games (instead of 200) per Duel played..
Ok.. here the latest new GRAND DUEL 4 results: 
    Yes.. Esculapio book's performance is incredible under these cond.!!    Congrats to Angel Morano again! where his both books are managed to    Perform stronger, better than all...exc. vs HCanFree, results are equal,    But unfortunately this time, all the rest Duel's book opponents are lost...    Anyhow... my congratulations to the rest of book participant as well..)
+23 Elo (in favor for Esculapio, via Cfish: +38 Elo)
1 Esculapio       +28/-1/=371 53.38%  213.5/4002 DONfree 090724  +1/-28/=371 46.63%  186.5/400
+3 Elo (in favor for Pampa, via Cfish: -10 Elo)
1 Pampa 3      +9/-5/=386 50.50%  202.0/4002 TripleBrain  +5/-9/=386 49.50%  198.0/400
+8 Elo (in favor for Esculapio, via Cfish: +2 Elo)
1   Esculapio    +11/-2/=387 51.13%  204.5/4002   TripleBrain  +2/-11/=387 48.88%  195.5/400
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+3 Elo (in favor for Esculapio, via Cfish not played)
1   Esculapio  +4/-1/=395 50.38%  201.5/4002   Pampa 3    +1/-4/=395 49.63%  198.5/400
More Details:So far, I did not check carefully the current played openings... Because sometimes Book Settings may play BIG influences,E.g some engines prefer more various opening some less etc.Sure I refer especially when as Best Book Move is DisabledGRAND 4's Draw ratio (based on 1600 games) is normal: 91%And frankly not so high numbers..e.g based on my other newItself Tests (via Unique+Balsa) latest SF-PB is less Drawish!!Sure I refer about very close in strength Top NNUE engines..And I wish to say special thanks to Mr. Alex (Skynet) as well!Really I like it...stable..small in size...quite powerful for sure!
And as final words, I wonder much: Who will manage to stop 'Messi' ?) yes...Mr. Angel fully deservesTo be called as one of greatest footballers of all time..sure not viaVia papers of course, but with real facts.. and to be honest, suchGreat Duel records...really I can't remember...but there is nothingImpossible, sure with newer updates...everything may changed )After all, time will tell...
