Last Update: 19.07.2024
Hello there again )
Meanwhile, I am very pleased to announce also thatAnother exiting Duel - MP/ Ponder ON match is here:Pampa 3 (A. Morano) vs TripleBrain (H.C+ R.C+S.C)
Some Notes,This time as players are used the Winners of unforgettable CS XXXI's Leagues: in short,  Second vs Super League orOther Duel's name can be called as The Battle of Wolves !)
And frankly,Nowadays Angel Morano's books are frequent Duel players..But this is not as 'double' standard..actually what I can do ?)If his Top books are managing often to be Number One... ?!
But remember too,I never play for 2nd place too..just joking ) but now I'm seriously:In past, up to 2009, you remember? my target was not to be 2nd.And I can't remember to be 2nd.. exc. on fake forum polls, but atLeast on PlayChess: calculation tools said the last word: ResultsA small note: even on those times my hardware was not fastest..Sure nowadays we've greater, younger talents.. who are betterThan we know, no one can stay 'Number One' forever!And if you are going to ask, why I did not continue after 2009..As main reason, due to I have no much free time for all...but atLeast I tried Perfect books on neutral zone (via playing Online)!
Ok ..chess friends too many comments.. )And here are Duels results +10 Elo (in favor for TripleBrain)
     The Winner is TripleBrain - Congrats to H.Can, Roger...sure     If I played again some, serious influence then how happy I'm...     Actually it seems so...e.g without Optimus, Pampa would win..     Anyhow just for fun.. Congratulations to Angel Morano as well                 1   TripleBrain  +26/-20/=154 51.50%  103.0/2002   Pampa 3      +20/-26/=154 48.50%   97.0/200
Individual Stats:
Pampa 3 - Optimus   46.5 - 53.5  +4/-11/=85 46.50%Pampa 3 - HCanFree  50.5 - 49.5 +16/-15/=69 50.50%
    Note: All books are played by 9-times Champion: Cfish 030820
And without to not mention this I can not as well,All this is as luck ? not of course..these great talents proved toBe as one of best in many various tours..especially OPTIMUSSeries are performed quite successful as without NN assistance..HCAN series also are managed to be quite often Champions...What I can say more, No one can remain as always as Number One... but FUN,it may stay always alive in our life.. all in our hands..just take it!And do not excuse that I have poor hardware...all games available...Just you need to work harder..sure if you don't have internet connectionTo download the games..ask, rent from other/s...but just do not give up!
     By the way,Without using NN assistance, reminds my other GREAT hobby:Racing Pigeons, yes... they are oriented and return to theirHome (lofts) over measured distances...and during the races, The best pigeons return at the highest speed...for examples, If the birds are well-trained, many are successful from longDistances (sure if weather cond. etc are good) but in case ofShort distances...then it's hard to determine, which are best,Since they are flying in group (e.g they return all together) butIf the birds are not well-trained, then situation is changing andMost thoroughbred pigeons are more potential to find their home,But the loss is BIG, especially if the race is in high mountain areas,Sure main influences are predators on one side, hunters on other,However the racing pigeons are very smart..even in most difficult Conditions, many of them can survive and return to their homes!
In other words, Our tests as without NNUE assistance is something like:Releasing the racing pigeons as without well-trained..!And as I stated earlier: via HUGE assistance such as:Slower TC, MP, BIG + Strong Evalfiles in size etc. thenThe players have more chances to gain higher points!I mean even the weak books have BIG chances to gain..But most imoprtant is that What about with less help?I mean such as without NN assistance..then the strongest Opening books are performing better, with higher points!
Ok.. dear friends, that's all for now...see you later )
