Last Update: 18.07.2024
Hello Chess Friends,

As usual, I'm very pleased to announce that,I managed to organize another exciting Duel,    DON (V. Chouhan) vs Esculapio (A. Morano)
Some notes about the current played Top participants:     Both are Winners of recent Leagues: Second / SuperAnd I think not bad idea to be in fight each other, right?)
And finely, DONfree book is defeated by Esculapio book!Note: In all previous Duels...DON book was undefeated...
Actually no BIG surprise that DON opening book is lost..And everything is possible via these cond. You know, asWithout NN assistance is mystery who will win..especially Nowadays...since mostly new books based on NN games..However, e.g according to overall DON performance stats:Legendary DON is powerful, strong opponent and as usualHis openings are hard nut to crack, proved many times!Btw, now I remembered (in past) a Top book author who said:DON is so strong and took many days to find his weakness..And I assume too that other authors had same experiences )
But this is also true that,Esculapio book is not soft or easy touch as well!Stable as stone...and not only via latest Duel match..E.g in my recent organized 2nd League tournament,Esculapio's great performance is still in my mind,With 57% win. percentage...!! just imagine...How much this book may become too dangerous!Sure I'm not going to count theirs all Champ tittles,Because I may miss....but they won many times!At least I can say both have 'the greatest' records!
Here are Duel's results:+38 Elo (in favor for Esculapio)
     The Winner is Esculapio - Congrats to Angel Morano!     Congratulations to DON 's author (Vasid Chouhan) too!
1 Esculapio 100724 +28/-6/=166 55.50% 111.0/2002 DONfree 090724   +6/-28/=166 44.50%  89.0/200
    Note: Both books played by 9-times Champion: Cfish 030820
And as final words, after qıick checking Duel's games: Esculapio (as Whites even as Blacks) was 'Dominant' E.g via playing C54: Giuoco Piano, plus preferring C65..And gained better points! while, DON's main weapons(As Whites) were C88 plus C89: Spanish closed.. sure, DON won several games...but his defeats were more asWhites plus as I think new updates required..Anyhow, I'm pretty sure also that both Authors booksWill be stronger (sure in case of newer book releases..)
Note also that,Both Top books are released on very close dates:DONfree on 09.07.2024 / Esculapio on 10.07.2024
Ok.. dear chess friends, that's all for now...See you later ) and thanks for your interest...
