Html Formatting
The Notepad window is displayed.
First we have to let the browser know that this file is indeed a HTML file. So the first code in any HTML file must be:
So it follows that at the end of the file we must give the tag </HTML>
The actual content of the page must be put within the BODY tag. though this is not compulsory, it gives you control of the basic look of the page by allowing you to specify the general font and background feature. therefore, a typical HTML document will have the following tags.
-------------page content--------------
The other attributes that can be specified with the BODY tag are below:
BACKGROUND = "the page and name of an image"
Your favourite picture can be a background for the page. The image file should be in the same folder as the HTML document.
BGCOLOR = "color name"
Instead of a picture as a background you can speicfy a colour.
TEXT = "color name"
This allows you to specify the default general font colour.
LINK = "color name"
By default, the browser renders all hyperlinks in blue colour. You can change this by specifying another color.
ALINK = "color name"
This refers to a link that has been clicked. This attribute allows you to set the color to which the hyperlink would change the moment it has been clicked.
VLINK ="color name"
With this you can specify the color of a hyperlink that has been clicked and the page it refers to has been visited.
Let us now create our first webpage. Create a folder called MYWEBSITE. Then load Notepad. To do that: Click Start --> Programs--> Accessories --> Notepad.