Hosting Your Website on to a webserver

Once you have finished creating all the webpages, you must host it onto a webserver. A webserver is a computer that can be accessed by the entire world and it is always connected to the World Wide Web. It contains several websites created by different persons. In order to make website public, you must register it. Once it is registered, that website address becomes unique only to your website and anyone who types the URL in their browser will be directed to your webpages.

The second step is to gain some space in a webserver. There are several webservers that hire out space for a small charge and give you a user name and password to access that space and put your webpages. Once that is done, you are now ready top host your webpages.

To transfer or copy your webpages from your computer to the webserver, you need a program that does this. there are several freely downloadable programs available on the web. Download one such program and install it on your computer which has an internet connection. Then connect to the internet and activate the program. It will ask you for the web space that it must connect to. Provide the website name that you registered. Then it asks for the user name and the password. Type it in and then it asks for the webpages that have to be transferred. Select the filenames of the webpages, one by one, or all together. The program will then upload all the webpages. Once the uploading is completed, disconnect from the webserver. Your website is now ready for being viewed by the world.

Note: When user connects to your website using a browser, how does it know which webpage in the website it has to display first? In other words, how does it know which is the home page? Every webserver requires that the home page must be named INDEX.HTM or HOME.HTM. Find out this and accordingly name your home page. Then everytime a user connects to your website that home page will be displayed.