
Incremental Steps to 100% Teleworking

Step / Year:

1. 5 day -> 3 day /week

- by taking easiest parts home: not top security

- easy to monitor productivity by digital output

- no big decisions from home

2. 3 day -> 1 day /week

- virtual presence via skype for decisions, meetings

- fixed limited-dexterity telerobotics for small predictable dexterous tasks

- staff meetings always online, even when some are on-site

3. 1 day -> 1 day / month

- more security levels and measures

- roving telerobotics and polymorphous dexterity for site-wide tasks

- 3D micro-gestures face tracking option for decision meetings, and continuous monitoring

4. 1 day/month -> meet only for hiring, 100% telework

- several layers of security depending on work content, special hardware/systems at work and home ends

- several types of dexterous robotics

- several types of online face2face meetings

5. occassional meeting -> 100% teleworking (never meet physically)

- everyone tele-hiring, tele-working 100%, physical location no longer a factor in anything