Design Modes

Here's a breakout using the 7 Design Modes from:









Buzz Reports Summary:

- CO2 mitigation continues, half of 1/4 of emissions = 1/8, are from personal transport ie commuting

- EVs are coming slowly, have problems

- US relaxing EPA standards, too tough for automakers

- millenials and boombers would like to work from home more than they are

- house prices soaring unsustainably in GTA and Vancouver

- upstream from that is 'why do we need human transport?' > commuting to jobs

- upstream from that is 'why do we need to commute to a job?' and there's a mishmash of reasons

- AI / automation set to take off, will refactor jobs

Buzz Reports

A. labor mobility and employment > mortgage payments reduce employment in local services sector

google: home ownership vs labor mobility


netherlands 1998 - homeowners _less_ vulnerable to unemployment



David G. Blanchflower

Andrew J. Oswald

usa 2013 > 1 correlation, 2x home ownership -> 2x++ unemployment later

causal hypotheses: i) labor mobility -- ii) commute times ++ iii) startups --

x but not home owners themselves, rather negative externalities of local high home ownership

- unexplained link / externality effect / mechanism

- higher opportunity cost of employment to (employee/employer) which should lower net + GDP



Jani-Petri Laamanen


- finland equivalent

- says homeowners also have higher wage. That should result in higher lifetime earnings.

his H0: consumption hypthesis: debt financed home ownership -> lower consumption demand

-> lower employment CONFIRMED by different externality/impact on tradable

and non-tradable ( local ) sectors, no impact on tradable sector employment

H1: displacement hypothesis is that higher home-ownership leads to higher job search intensity

and lower reservation wages (by homeowners, who then dominate/displace?)

ALMOST CONFIRMED, JUST BORDERLINE MAYBE A BIT, can't rule it out completely,

likely connection: home owners work FULL TIME and displace mulitple part-time.


> +10% home ownership == +2% unemployment 1998

B. Calgary is silicone valley north of IoT according to CED

- high concentration of STEM talent, one of highest 'concentrations' in NA

- IoT related to O&G industry process control, a natural rollover fit

- CED says we're concentrating on IoT, which kind of makes it so

- trying to diversify away from oil, which has dark clouds on its future due to CO2 costs, and over-supply

C. Toronto and Vancouver house prices have been soaring in city centres

- more buyable valuations in outlying areas, but that increases commute costs

- housing bubble in GTA unsustainable, threatens entire economy

D. CO2 mitigation >

- CO2 levels continue to rise

- EV rollout is hampered by

- unreliable expensive $7k - $15k batteries that last 7 years, limited range, charging times

- but improving ie:

- Glass anode brakthru for solid state batteries > more life, higher density,

faster charge, cheaper than LiIon

- costs of charging stations

- EV only as green as grid power

- CO2 taxes/caps/mitigations have been ratcheting up in developed economies

Government of Canada Announces Pan-Canadian Pricing on Carbon Pollution:

- small car mfgs near limit of how fuel efficient they can make them,

- VW fined billions (14.7B) for cheating emission tests

- Trump admin restoring viability-review process to automotive emisssions reduction schedule

- public sector funding for roads, transit always a challenge

- long commutes / traffic jams continue as normal

E. more gender equality sought in business by reducing hiring 'biases',

- but women still do more child raising,

- so a need for good leave transitioning perhaps with partial tele-working

study "Extending Parental Leave", Jennifer Robson, Carleton U, 2017


- either/or matleave eligibility test > needs to change to encourage partial and transitional work

F. AI and robotics are coming, will blast our jobs, and 30% of jobs can already be automated with current technology



x-country checkup automation and robots

40% in next decade robots/computers

distopian, or utopian, who reaps benefits?

google's AI unit working on medical diagnosis from scans, samples etc

prior: routing/narrow

next: complex, non-routine decision makers, human interaction like CSR, drones, driverless car,

jepardy, 'go' game, chess

industrial revolution: convolution of factors - steam, machinery, metalurgy, coal

now convolution: cpu moores law cumulative state, lower cost of robotics...

maybe not revolution but cumulative progress


cdhowe: not so fast/no big deal - just a continuation of the last 2 centuries of automation

(others agree but say _pace_ of change is very rapid now)

G. shortage of restaurant/hospitality labor (5% vacancy) especially in Banff due to housing costs there, workers must travel/commute big time

H. Government of Canada suspended temporary foreign worker program in 2014 due to increased unemployment of canadians in areas where program had most use:

I. congestion pricing on roads / road toll concidered for Toronto downtown

J. Millenials like to work from home already

- page 5 work/life balance:

- 48% of millenials work from home (sometimes/often) and 33% would like to

- 29% of boomers work from home (sometimes/often) and 18% would like to

- there's a gap of 33% and 18% that's not filled: more want to work from home

K. commuting still generating new infrastructure costs

- example: Airdrie is planning another over/underpass around rail tracks, at 10s of millions in cost

L. 25% of Canadians are doing some kind of caregiving, and that can impact their employment

- rant / viewpoint on caregivers, mentioning 25% statscan number, which can impact their employment situation

- statscan: 10M all types of caregiving

- portrait of caregivers

- 1/10 of 8M or 800k spend > 30hrs / week caregiving


A. History

Video meetings

- skype > you get an app free, and pay for time, streams video/audio

- opensource video/audio chat >

- various other chat tools

Online meetings in 3D

- second life and opensimulation had a problem: facial expressions weren't transmitted

- blog on collaboration via 3D meetings

- second life used for business meetings

- second life enterprise shut down by lindon labs

- says IBM moved to OpenSimulation

- 3D similar to secondlife and opensimulation, same problem: no facial expressions

B. Stakeholders

Earth / Environment and those species (including humans) it impacts

- need to cut CO2 emissions to zero immediately, but even then current levels will persist for 1000s of years

- Paris accord just a minor stop-gap, mere 'warm-up', need ratchet-up


- lots of restructuring of industries around automation, globalization / global trade, online shopping

- eat or be eaten

- information security a big concern

- fewer small local shops, more franchises in local economy

- some silicon valley firms dominating advertising sales revenue

- more regulation

- a lot more technology integrated into everything

- employers bare some costs of commuting indirectly through higher reservation costs of job seekers

Employees / Workers

- some work partly from home, but even more want to

- hassle, cost of physically commuting born by employees, compensated partly through wages

- car, license, insurance, fuel, repairs/maintenance, interest

- time spent in traffic/on road

- risk to health / longetivity / trauma from accidents

- extra costs of child care during commute times

- not good transitioning to/from mat leave - either/or

- job selection compromise based on commute distance / time / cost

- higher cost of housing close to best work in downtown TO, Vancouver

Economy as a whole

- rich getting richer, picketty-nomics

- GDP/capita - higher in large city centres, where real-estate is expensive, causing commuting

- commuting is friction on GDP

Governments / regulators

- carbon taxes / cap & trade administration costs

- financing road and transit ongoing and upgrade costs for commuters, must tax to recover

- vehicle emissions testing and regulations costs

C. Frontiers

- Automation via robotics and AI (artificial intelligence) in process

- AI needs 'training data'

- VR and AR is big this year, with oculus rift, gearVR, Hololens etc all hitting mainstream

- self-driving cars coming

- EVs slowing making inroads, picking up steam but still small part

- green energy continues to gain uptake

D. Systems Overview

- elliminating physical commuting would

-- increase GDP/Capita

-- improve lifestyles

-- improve net savings of employees/workers

-- improve hiring choices by firms

-- cut CO2 (-12%)

- but needs to solve practical problems with teleworking

-- data security

-- employee effort monitoring

-- collaboration

-- dexterous tasks

-- software licensing

-- communication - voice, facial microgestures


- I still see people commuting

- workers show up for work voluntarily / expect it, for facetime, and internal competition

- employers assume workers show up, otherwise fire. They rely on 'effort monitoring' and when laying off, will lay off those who are 'unseen' first, which employees know

- so stalemate -no one pushing too hard for tele-working so status-quo continues

- we are told there's a shortage of IT / talent and will get worse by year 20xx, need immigrants

- but they (IT industry) have been crying wolf for decades

- youth unemployment was high for last 8 years

-- young graduates have trouble finding work

-- some reports suggests university graduates seen by employers as too book-oriented, lacking:

- problem solving

- creativity / innovation

- people skills

- structured knowhow (trades do better, project management knowhow helps)

- entrepreneurial spirit

- automation > AI and robotics are expected to zap more jobs, cause job refactoring/restructuring

so fewer people needed to do current work

decades ago they said machines would take our jobs and we would be forced into leasure

- but didn't happen, workforce moved from mfg to services

so likely this time excess labor will be absorbed again, but how/by what

H: even more new products and services that we can't even imagine now

H: more laws and regulations need complying with for everything done / red-tape

H: humans will be doing the creative part, more creativity

- employers want

- employee monitoring for effort, performance, security, honesty

- peer culture/pressure/benchmarking can lift individual performance

- give feedback during training

- make learning environment positive with tips and ideas flowing easily

- and want very good communication / collaboration,

- much of which comes from face2face interactions, to get what someone means / urgency

- but also want low cost labor, and good supply of qualified/capabile candidates

- and want to be in a good position for automation and robotics trends where cost effective

- and want to uptake temporary foreign workers where work is appropriate

- employers want to abide / obey employment laws

- employees - want

- lower cost of commuting

- don't want to split up family over where jobs are

- want full time permanent jobs, so can buy house and pay off mortgage and save for retirement

- want nice house for money, low mortgage, low total interest costs

- don't want to lose their spot at work to internal competition

- don't want to be the first ones layed off due to lack of visibilty to higher-ups deciding who stays

- employees want to get paid, hard to imagine getting paid without showing up

- seen and being seen, by bosses, equally to on-site workers, for

a) neutralizing internal competition for promotions / favoritism

b) equal standing for layoffs


- teleworking should help everyone - economy, worker, employer, environment, city

- but needs to be done right, to gain acceptance, its an acceptance of mechanism challenge

- and a challenge of incrementalism - how to get from where we are today to some future ideal, step wise

Design Principles:

1. virtualization needs to be net positive for both worker and employer, to gain quick acceptance

a) on-site and tele/veritual workers need to be treated equally, so no disadvantage for teleworker

b) employer needs security, effort monitoring, collaboration as good or better than on-site

c) employer needs to gain from lower wage demands and/or better selection of job candidates from wider region

d) employee/worker needs to gain from broader selection of jobs with zero cost of commuting to distant jobs

e) helps employer leverage AI/robotics > online sessions used as training sessions for AI and robotics

2. virtualization needs to apply to all types of work, including dexterous tasks, colloaborative, security-constrained, which currently tend to be blended in job positions / roles

3. there needs to be an easy, incremental/step-by-step path to get from where we are today, to fully virtual work, without having to make sudden giant leaps


- virtual presence

- making interaction as easy as leaning over a desk to say something

- micro-gestures

- who's looking at who / who you lookin at when you say that

- continuous tracking (vs pay-for-time sessions like skype)

- easy escalation / de-escalation of interaction

- security of private information

- against 3rd party

- against misappropriation by employee

- monitoring of effort, attitude where direct performance measures are hard to do remotely

- anticipation of AI automation

- needs to feel real at critical deal-making points, so we feel committed when we say yes.

- telerobotics for dexterous tasks

- anticipation of/harmonization with AI+robotics automation

- feedback

- precision

- timeliness

- safety on output end, limits

- security on output end, limits

- auxiliary info: sound, visuals, supervisor instructions, seeing 'lineup forming', coordination with others

- smelling something (burning? not smelling right), heat (is the coffee hot, drinks cold?)

- heaviness - are the fries in the bag?


- commutar whole-teleworking solution

- own the cloud service

- own the plugin API standard

- own configuration tool for different scenarios

- own the store, billing and payment infrastructure

- let others develop specific plugins and charging schemes, take a slice through store

- especially for telerobotics scenarios where there may already be lots of technology snippets

- single product:

- 3D skype with head tracking, 3D sound

- could sell apps in app stores: uwp, android, ios

- and/or give apps and sell time

- 3D virtual presence with facial micro-gesture, head and body gestures transmitted

- low bandwidth for continuous effort monitoring, quick transitions to talk mode

- transition notifier service

- pattern-recognize sound and signal to remotes in low bandwidth way

-so that steady-state is low bandwidth and transitions are fast, easy, (semi-)automatic

- restaurant telerobot, workers in low-wage country, or central site for time-zone travel

- work end: ceiling yawZ, ..^| arms, cable fingers, sphere-cam,

robo-robo crash avoid, 1/2 cyl sprung back

touch sensitive fingers:

- worker end: curved 1/4sphere LCD screen, elasto-suspended forarms

- finger touch-pinchers

- SSR - server-side rendering of sensitive data

- per-employee formatting of SSR documents for finding sources of leaks

- only image is transmitted

- copy&paste can be done, but remotely

- ways to escalate / de-escalate by simple levels:

- effort monitoring: low bandwidth over IP (with time lags) OK

- deal-making: needs high resolution video, real time,

- perhaps with something to accentuate feeling of presence and accountability

- collaborative meetings:

low/medium bandwidth when not talking, high when talking

- facial micro-gestures, eye gaze direction

- head and body gestures

head tracking to see who's looking at who, who's who's trying to interrupt you

if IP delay, then fast-track bulb/led to signal someone's

- (vox/video/gestures) are on their way


- prototype 3D skype using webrtc libs:

- find sponsor / test firm