Publications and CV
Papers Under Review
Polina G, Caruso G, Klaus C, Hamm HE, Gurevich VV, DiBenedetto E, Makino CL. Single photon response reproducibility in retinal rods: effects of cell size and bicarbonate.
Accepted Publications:
Klaus C. A concentrated capacity model for diffusion-advection: Advection localized to a moving curve. Journal of Differential Equations. 296: 593-616. 2021.
Klaus C, Caruso G, Gurevich VV, Hamm H, DiBenedetto E. Phototransduction in retinal cones: analysis of parameter importance. PLoS ONE. 16(10): e0258721. 2021.
Caruso G, Klaus CJ, Hamm HE, Gurevich VV, Makino CL, DiBenedetto E (2020) Position of rhodopsin photoisomerization on the disk surface confers variability to the rising phase of the single photon response in vertebrate rod photoreceptors. PLoS ONE 15(10): e0240527.
Caruso G, Gurevich VV, Klaus C, Hamm H, and Makino CL, et al. Local, nonlinear effects of cGMP and Ca2+ reduce single photon response variability in retinal rods. PLoS ONE 14(12):e0225948.
Klaus C, Caruso G, Gurevich VV, DiBenedetto E (2019). Multi-scale, numerical modeling of spatio-temporal signaling in cone phototransduction. PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219848.
Gianazza U and Klaus C. p-Parabolic Approximations of Total Variation Flow Solutions. Indiana University Mathematics Journal Indiana University Mathematics Journal 68:1519-1550. 2019.
Klaus C and Liao N. A Short Proof of Hoelder Continuity for Functions in DeGiorgi Classes. Ann Acad, Sci Fenn, Math. 43(2):931-934. 2018.
Klaus C, Raghunathan K, DiBenedetto E, and Kenworthy A. Analysis of diffusion in curved surfaces and its application to tubular membranes. Molecular Biology of the Cell 27(24):3937-3946. 2016.
DiBenedetto E, Gianazza U, and Klaus C. A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Continuity of Local Minima of Parabolic Variational Integrals with Linear Growth, Advances in Calculus of Variations 10(3):209-221. 2016.