Recent and Upcoming Presentations

2024. How can metabolism inform cognitive modeling? Concepts for Understanding Brain Organization, ENS Paris.

2024. Sensational cognitive claims. The Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice.

2024. Sensational cognitive claims: A historical view. Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.

2023. Searching for cognitive errors in unconventional systems. International Society for the Philosophy of Sciences of the Mind.

2023. Searching for memory errors in unconventional systems. Issues in Philosophy of Memory 3.5.

2023. The problem of shifting explanatory targets. Cambridge-LMU Joint Workshop on Philosophy of Science. 

2023. Learning from the history of memory transfer. Pushing the Boundaries: Neuroscience, Cognition, and Life, UCLA Luskin Symposium, June 2023.

2023. The seed of an idea: Organic data memory and the extended mind. Memory and Technology: Extended Perspectives.

2023. Why have "revolutionary" tools found purchase in memory research? Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.

2022. Optogenetics’ journey to memory science. Optogenetics and Philosophy: Mutual Alignment?

2022. Where memory resides: Is there a rivalry between molecular and synaptic models of memory? Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting.

2022. Memory transfer: The history of a sensational (alleged) phenomenon. Center for Philosophy of Memory Public Lecture. Université Grenoble Alpes.

2022. Why studying plant cognition is valuable even if plants do not possess cognition: On hypothesizing about cognition. Joint meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology and European Society for Philosophy and Psychology. 

2022. On a distinction between exploration in experimentation and exploratory experimentation. British Society for Philosophy of Science.

2022. Transparency and the remediation of artifacts: Head motion in fMRI. The Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice.

2022. Believe me, I can explain! Do explanations bias judgments of what is explained? Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.

2022. What counts as a memory? Bochum-Grenoble Memory Colloquium.

2021. Believe me, I can Explain! Beware of inferences to the explanandum. Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting.

2021. Citing study mismatches upon failures to replicate: Useful exercise or self-defeating? International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology.  

2021. A "hypothetico" approach to evaluating memory research. Talk in Symposium "What we have learned about memory (and what remains to be learned)." British Society for Philosophy of Science. 

2020. What counts as a memory? Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Winner of Richard M. Griffith Memorial Award for Philosophy.

2020. Believe me, I can Explain! Concerns about inferences to the explanandum. Lightning talk at Philosophy of Science at the Mountains Webconference (POBAMz).

2020. Memory transfer: The rise, fall, and revival of a target of neuroscience research? Mississippi Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting.

2019. Can tool development solve the data integration problem in neuroscience? Deep South Workshop on Tool Development in Neuroscience.

2019. What counts as a memory? Issues in Philosophy of Memory 2, Université Grenoble Alpes.

2019. What counts as a memory? Natural Kinds in Cognitive Science Workshop, York University.

2019. Ethical exploratory experimentation: Informed consent in exploratory brain stimulation. Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference.

2019. What do representations of scientific phenomena represent? American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting.

2018. Recharacterizing scientific phenomena. Neural Mechanisms Webconference.

2018. When should we accept that a phenomenon doesn’t exist? Memory transfer, conflicting evidence, and defeasibility. The Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice.