
Colaço, D. (2024). When remediating one artifact results in another: Control, confounders, and correction. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, (46)5.

(Open Access)

Colaço, D. & Najenson, J. (Forthcoming). Where memory resides: Is there a rivalry between molecular and synaptic models of memory? To appear in Philosophy of Science.

Colaço, D. (2023). Connecting unconventional cognition to humans: Unification and generativity. JoLMA 4(2), 1-16.

(Open Access)

Colaço, D. & Robins, S. (2023). Why have "revolutionary" tools found purchase in memory science? Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 4. 

(Open Access)

Colaço, D. (2022). Why studying plant cognition is valuable, even if plants aren’t cognitive. Synthese, 200(453).

(Open Access)

Colaço, D., Bickle, J., & Walters, B. (2022). When should researchers cite study differences in response to a failure to replicate? Biology & Philosophy 39(37).

(Open Access)

Colaço, D. (2022). What counts as a memory? Definitions, hypotheses, and "kinding in progress." Philosophy of Science 89(1), 89-106.

Preprint Available at PhilSci-Archive.

Colaço, D. (2021). How do tools obstruct (and facilitate) integration in neuroscience? In The Tools of Neuroscience Experiments: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives, edited by Bickle, Craver, & Barwich.

Jarbo, K., Colaço, D., & Verstynen, T. (2020). Contextual framing of loss impacts harm avoidance during risky spatial decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(5), 657-670.

Preprint Available at PsyArXiv. 

Colaço, D. (2020). Recharacterizing Scientific Phenomena. European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10, 14.

Preprint Available at PhilSci-Archive.

Stuart, M., Colaço, D., & Machery, E. (2019). P-curving X-phi: Does experimental philosophy have evidential value? Analysis 79(4), 669-684. 

Dataset Available at OSF.

Picked in "Our best philosophy articles in 2019" by Oxford University Press.

Colaço, D. (2018). Rip it up and start again: On the rejection of a characterization of a phenomenon. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 72, 32-40

Preprint Available at PhilSci-Archive

Click here for the Appendix to this paper.

Colaço, D. (2018). Rethinking the role of theory in exploratory experimentation. Biology and Philosophy 33(5-6), 38.

Preprint Available at PhilSci-Archive.

Colaço, D., & Machery, E. (2017). The intuitive is a red herring. Inquiry, 60(4), 403-419.

Colaço, D., Buckwalter, W., Stich, S., & Machery, E. (2014). Epistemic intuitions in fake-barn thought experiments. Episteme, 11(02), 199-212.