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Hello! If you are on this website, I am probably your teacher or your child's teacher! Here is a little about me: I am from the Philadelphia area, specifically a suburb called Cheltenham. I went to Earlham College in Richmond, IN, where I double majored in English and Physics. I was a teaching assistant and a tutor all through college, so after taking a year off to do physics research and some soul searching, I decided to go to graduate school to become a teacher. I now have a Masters degree in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. I am PA certified in Physics,Chemistry, English, and Math, so I am quite versatile. After getting my Masters degree, I taught for two years in the School District of Philadelphia at Paul Robeson High School. I loved my students there (and my colleagues!) but since the school district is in dire straights both financially and politically, I decided to get out.

I came to Colorado because it is my favorite state. Before they retired, my parents were both special education teachers in the School District of Philadelphia, so since they had their summers off, they took me and my brother on 5-6 week camping trips every summer. We always started in Colorado - I actually learned to walk here - so I've long thought of Colorado as my second home and have always wanted to move here. I am so happy to be here, and am very excited to go camping, hiking, backpacking, and skiing (not to mention teaching!) in this beautiful state.

Ms. Cohen's Schedule 2016-2017