Elizabeth Federation of Teachers and TAC

Welcome to Ms. Cohen's EFT and TAC page! Here you can find the EFT New Member form and information about TAC.

  • Our local union is called the Elizabeth Federation of Teachers (EFT). It is the local branch of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). If you would like to learn more about the AFT or AFT-Colorado, go to https://www.aft.org/ or http://co.aft.org/.
  • EFT New Member Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-vDHcgdIambRkpUcTRnMnFlY1UxQ0hUbGw5ekZGV2poVm1r/view?usp=sharing
    • Please print it and fill it out. You may bring it to me in person, send it through interdepartmental mail, or scan it in and email it to me at acohen@esdk12.org. You can also sent it/email it to Desiree Allen at dallen@esdk12.org.
  • TAC - stands for Teacher Advisory Committee
    • Two teachers from each school meet once per month (the first Thursday of each month) to discuss district-wide issues with the superintendent and the director of HR
    • At least one TAC member from each school must be a union member
    • Issues we’ve discussed:
      • Salaries for certified and classified staff
      • Sick bank
      • Purpose of collaborative time
      • Salary and benefits schedule
      • Curriculum and vertical alignment
      • Mentorship for new teachers