Newspaper  Reports

Pictured below is Life Member Phyllis Taylor & Local Member Gurmesh Singh in her role as courtesy buggy driver at Coffs Harbour Health Campus. Also below ( bottom picture) is Phyllis receiving the Seniors Achievement Award in recognition of her extensive and valuable contribution to the Coffs Harbour community. Well done Phyllis and very deserving & congratulations from all your friends  at the Over 50's Table Tennis Club.

Pat Gentles' retirement from active play celebration. Pat was a foundation member of the Over 50's Table Tennis Club and her membership spans over 26 years. She has been heavily involved in the clubs' activities serving as club President in 1997 & 2009. Pat was awarded Life Membership in 2012 and wishes to continue her association with the club on a social level. Pat should feel very proud of her contribution to the club and exemplified the aims of Fun, Fitness and Friendship very well. We all wish her the very best and look forward to catching up in future social events.

Recent article 21/2/2023  in the News of The Area    put together by President Wayne Brady & Secretary Gail Randall