Club History

         The sport of Table Tennis for senior citizens in Coffs Harbour has come a long way since a small  advertisement was placed in the        Advocate's classifieds in April  1995.

     The classified read, "Men and Women, over 50's table tennis. New social group forming for daytime  fun and exercise.

     Doubles, non-competitive, smoke free. Novices and experts all welcome. Bats provided. First  meeting St. Andrews Hall".

    The add was placed by Arthur Chipper  but was "warned" not to expect too much. He was told that all the Coffs Harbour oldies want     are "cheap bus outings and eats."

    Two days later, more than 40 people turned up at the hall and practically everybody played a game.     Club numbers swelled to      more than 60 by mid 1996.

  Arthur and his wife Molly were very actively involved in Table Tennis in Adelaide and when they moved to Coffs Harbour  they were  surprised that nothing similar existed. Wanting to do something about it, they imagined that the biggest starting      up  problem would be finding a place to play. This has been an on going problem throughout the brief history of the club.   After much searching, the Presbyterian Church said they had room for them.

    The rest appeared easy compared with the continual search for a suitable and available premises.

    A new table from Target was purchased and two more ancient "garage sale" tables as well as some  new second hand bats  and nets were obtained.


    All that was missing were some people who would be in it for fun and not take things too seriously.

    The senior citizens of Coffs Harbour responded magnificently.

   The Coffs Harbour Over 50's Table Tennis Club was officially named following the April 19, 1996 

    bi annual  meeting.

   This meeting was held in the St. Andrews hall in Vernon Street. At this meeting a motion was put and  passed  that " we call  ourselves The Coffs Harbour Over 50's Table Tennis Club".

   The motion was proposed by Lyle Rose and seconded by Ron Pilgrim.

   Club executive positions at the time were occupied by the following:

              President:                                          Lyle  Rose

               Treasurer:                                          Elaine  Dickinson

              Catering & Social Secretary:               Elanor   Foster   

     The Over 50's Table Tennis club has "moved around" considerably over the years and has used a              variety of venues following its' initial location at the Presbyterian Church Hall.



            Life  Members:

             The following people have had life membership bestowed upon them:

             Shirley Northam (2004),  Alan Fawcett  (2008),  Eunice Fawcett (2009)   Ron Pilgrim (2009)  

            Pat  Gentle  (2012)   Ron Lewis  (2012) Phyllis Taylor (2018)  Bob Kennedy (2020)