families and community

wylye valley school

Our local primary school came on to the courts each Monday afternoon in the Summer Term for Tennis After School Club.

Each week training was given by PE Sports to the Key Stage 2 children who chose to come. The Club Chairman, Vincie, who is also a School Foundation Governor went along to assist.  The plan is for the After School Club to return in September while it is still light enough to play.

summer school 2021

During this year, we have appointed a Club Coach and it has opened all sorts of possibilities for us all.

During the first week of August, we held our first Summer School when each morning up to 11 children aged from 8 - 14 gathered for serious training, games and lots of fun.

One young man arrived unable to make contact between ball and racquet but ended the week, very smiley and able to hit a very sound shot....even winning one of the games!  Grandchildren visiting were due to return home after 3 mornings negotiated an extension with grandparents and mum....as they didn't want to miss it.

Even the weather 'played ball' (despite the forecast!) and while not dry every single minute, there was only a few drops to contend with at the end of one session and briefly in the middle of another.

There is definite demand for another one from these youngsters so do 'watch this space'!

codford coyotes

This is an after-school club, also breakfast and holiday - a secure place for parents to leave their children while at work.  They fill the times with various activities in a healthy environment.  This year they were funded for different activities through the summer holidays.  One chosen was tennis.  

Our coach kept a huge number of children, some as young as 3 learning 'tennis' in all shapes and sizes.


intergenerational tournament

On gloriously sunny 1st August 2020, pairs of parents and their offspring battled for victory in a fun afternoon of tennis.  Fathers and daughters, sons and mothers (and two pairs with 'surrogates') graced the courts and brought fun and smiles to all involved - on court or watching

See below for some of the action.