where to buy ?

From the official site https://www.microbit.org/resellers/

However some recommendations are;

You need at a minimum a ;

  • Microbit
  • Battery pack
  • USB cable

Which is a microbit go kit which can b

picked up at

( other sellers are available )

To do projects involving music, you will need Crocodile clips, This kit covers this.

To do projects involvng servos , i.e moving try adding this to the above kit.

We remove the black terminator so we can use crocodile clips. Note this is a 180 degree servo as a 360 degree servo uses Pulse Coded Modulation which introduces more complexity than required ( for further details see https://www.kitronik.co.uk/blog/control-a-360-degree-servo-with-a-bbc-microbit/ ).

If you wish to explore further, see the official accessory Guide