
1. Combustion Engineering (Munundang, 2021, 2nd Edition) (ISBN No. 979-11-5692-545-3)

2nd Edition(2021) 1st Edition(2016)

2. Photocatalysis A to Z by the leading expert (2020) (ISBN 979-11-5692-446-3)

** Award Sejong Excellent Academic book of this year(2020)**

3. The Spearhead of Biodiesel (2009) (ISBN No. 978-89-7598-767-0)

4. Practices of Carbon Credit Business (2009) (ISBN No. 978-89-7598-734-2)

5. Energy and Nano-Technology (2008) (ISBN No.978-89-7598-655-0)

6. Easy Photocatalyst (2002) (ISBN No. 89-7598-472-9)

7. Technologies for Emission Aftertreatment (2001) (ISBN No. 89-951250-2-0)

8. Alternative Energy Engine (2001) (ISBN No. 89-951250-3-9)

9. Combustion Engineering (Chungmungag) (2000) (ISBN No.89-7088-519-6)