Publications, Posters & Presentations


2021 Hawco N.J., Barone B., Church M.J., Babcock-Adams L., Repeta, D.J., Wear E.K., Foreman R.K., K.M., Bent S., Van Mooy B.A.S. , Sheyn U., Delong E.F., Acker M., Kelly R.L., Nelson A., Ranieri J., Clemente T.M., Karl D.M., and John S.G. Iron Depletion in the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum: Mesoscale Eddies as Natural Iron Fertilization Experiments. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Doi: 10.1029/2021GB007112.

2016 Bryant J.A., Clemente T.M., Viviani D.A., Fong A.A., Thomas K.A., Kemp P., Karl D.M., White A.E., DeLong E.F. Diversity and activity of communities inhabiting plastic debris in the North Pacific Gyre. mSystems 1(3):e00024-16. doi:10.1128/mSystems.00024-16.

2008 Drazen, J.C., B.N. Popp, C.A. Choy, T. Clemente, L. DeForest and K.L. Smith Jr. Bypassing the abyssal benthic food-web: Macrourid diet in the eastern North Pacific inferred from stomach content and stable isotopes analyses. Limnology and Oceanography 53(6):2644-2654


2016 Clemente T.M., S.T. Wilson, B. Barone, G.S. Adams, J.W. Burkitt, E.M. Shimabukuro, D.M. Karl, E.F. DeLong. Scope Field Operations: Summaries and Highlights.

Simons Foundation Annual Meeting, NY, NY December 2016.

2014 Clemente T.M, D. Böttjer, S.T. Wilson, K.M. Björkman, D. M. Karl. Potential Environmental Consequences of Enhanced Ocean Upwelling. ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, February 2014.

2013 Karl D. M., D. Böttjer, T. M Clemente, S. Poulos, S. Wilson, K. M. Björkman. Potential Environmental Consequences of Enhanced Ocean Upwelling, Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit in Honolulu, HI, September, 2013

2012 Böttjer, D., S. Poulos, T. M. Clemente, D. M. Karl. Biogeochemistry and genomes (BAG-1): An open ocean mesocosm deployment off Hawaii. C-MORE Site Visit, Honolulu, HI, May 2012.

2010 Clemente, T. M., J. A. Ernst, A. A. Fong, B. D. Updyke, D. A. Viviani, K. A. Weersing, B. R. Wheeler II, A. E. White, D. M. Karl. SUPER HI-CAT: Survey of Underwater Plastic and Ecosystem Response between Hawaii and California. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, February 2010.

2009 Clemente, T. M., A. A. Fong, B. D. Updyke, D. A. Viviani, K. A. Weersing, B. R. Wheeler II, A. E. White, D. M. Karl. SUPER HI-CAT: Survey of Underwater Plastic and Ecosystem Response between Hawaii and California. (Poster) C-MORE All Hands Meeting, Honolulu, HI, March 2009.

2006 Clemente, T. M., M. J. Church, D. M. Karl. Spatial and temporal variability in plankton size structure along biogeochemical gradients in the Pacific Ocean. (Poster) ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, February 2006.

2006 Sadler, D. W., K. M. Björkman, M. J. Church, T. M. Clemente, S. E. Curless, D. G. Foley, A. A. Fong, L. A. Fujieki, E. M. Grabowski, T. K. Gregory, D. M. Karl, R. M. Letelier, P. J. Lethaby, R. Lukas, C. Mahaffey, S. Maenner, P. M. McAndrew, C. L. Sabine, F. Santiago-Mandujano, B. V. W. Watkins. Station ALOHA blooms: Biogeochemical characteristics of a large plankton bloom in the oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean. (Poster) ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, February 2006

2004 Clemente, T., K. Björkman, E. Dafner, L. Fujieki, N. Jachowski, D. Sadler, G. Corno, R. Letelier, M. Church, J. Zehr and D. Karl. Regionalization of the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) observations. (Poster) ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference, Honolulu, HI, February 2004.


2015 Clemente, T.M., B. Barone. 2015 SCOPE Field Activities: Summaries & Updates.

Simons Foundation Annual Meeting, NY, NY December 2015

2014 Clemente, T.M. SCOPE Field Operations.

Simons Foundation Annual Meeting, NY, NY December 2014

2011 Clemente, T. M., J. A. Ernst, A. A. Fong, B. D. Updyke, D. A. Viviani, K. A. Weersing, B. R. Wheeler II, A. E. White, D. M. Karl. SUPER HI-CAT: Survey of Underwater Plastic and Ecosystem Response between Hawaii and California (Oral), Fifth International Marine Debris Conference in Honolulu, HI, March 20-25, 2011