Brief Biography

Dr Chew, Chee-Meng (PhD, MIT)

Associate Professor

Email: chewcm at

Control and Mechatronics Laboratory

Department of Mechanical Engineering

National University of Singapore

9 Engineering Dr 1, Singapore 117575

Dr Chew received his B.Eng. Degree (Mechanical) (First Class Honours) from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1991 and; SM and Ph.D. degrees from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA in 1998 and 2000, respectively. From 1991 to 1994, he was an Engineer cum Manager in a lubricants company in Singapore. In 1994, he joined NUS as a Senior Tutor and received the NUS Overseas Scholarship to pursue his Ph.D. degree in MIT. 

After completing his Ph.D. degree in 2000, he returned to NUS to serve as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NUS. He is currently an Associate Professor in the same department. His main research interests are Reinforcement Learning for Robotic and Control Applications; Biomimetics/Bioinspiration Systems such as Humanoid Robot, Manta Ray Robot, Quadrupedal Robot, Soft Grippers; Autonomous Systems; Industrial Robotics and Automation;   Assistive Device such as  Rehabilitation Systems, Exoskeletons; Force-control/Variable Stiffness Actuators.

He is currently a Senior Member of IEEE and has been actively involved in the local chapters of the IEEE Robotics and Automation; and Systems, Man, and Cybernetics societies.