
on developing...

TelcoCoin/MobiCoin/TelecomCoin like BitCoin but with worth of call minutes cost, Gb of mobile/Wi-Fi traffic, space on your device for mobile distributed database, your mobile processing power, mobile VPN/Anonymization/private and security services, targeting advertisement, etc.

ICO received $185M during 5 days. How about capitalization of my ICO #TelcoCoin, #MobiCoin, #TelecomCoin ?

Approximately billions of dollars. Mobile Operators, Investors - Welcome!

Now we have billions of mobile subscribers in the World, our potential clients.


29.10.2017 - The first edition of the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative (FIGI) Symposium

14.07.2017 - The $3.8bn cryptocurrency bubble is a huge deal. But it could break the blockchain

13.07.2017 - Tezos Crowdsale Raises $232 million to Shatter ICO Record

30.01.2016 - If your mobile phone/smartphone now is your wallet, you personally can be P2P-bank :-) The State Of P2P Lending

21.10.2015 - Join the Web Payments Working Group